Last week I decided it was time I challenged myself to knit something other than simple dishcloths. I thought about making a (simple) scarf, but really... that's kind of like knitting a... dishcloth. Only longer. While, certainly, there would be some challenge there, it wasn't really the kind I was looking for.
But then I came across this fox scarf pattern, and I couldn't help but imagine a little girl thinking it a lot of fun to wear. Clearly, it had some new stuff for me, but it looked easy enough. Maybe... So... I decided to knit one!
Is that cute, or what?!?
Truth be told, the pattern was pretty sketchy and I had to go looking for how to knit a triangle, but once I got that down, it wasn't too hard. It provided just enough challenge to interest me, but not so much as to frustrate me.
It's made with a simple garter stitch throughout (except for the ribbing), but it includes increasing and decreasing and I had to add new yarn.
After studying some other fox scarves (from different patterns), I decided to just make up some ears for my fox scarf. Each is made with two triangles (one smaller than the other), stitched together and formed into something that resembles... well... a fox ear. Sort of...
And I figured out (after gaining some facility with increasing and decreasing) how to shape the orange part to make a more fox-like face. The original pattern calls for making a simple white triangle face (which is adorable), but I really liked the more fox-like faces I saw on some other fox scarves, so I decided to challenge myself to make one.
When it was all done, I can see that it's not perfect, but even there I feel like I've progressed in my knitting. I may be getting a feel for what imperfections may be acceptable. Maybe it's just that the cuteness of the fox overshadows any imperfections, but I sort of feel like I crossed something of a hurdle - being able to accept some not quite perfect things - with this project. To not feel like the imperfections really detract from the final project.
So all in all... I feel pretty pleased. And totally tickled with this cute little fox.