Much is happening here, but most isn't really shareable. Or somehow it seems that way. Truthfully, the visible part of what we are doing is so mundane it isn't worth writing about here. The emotional part is yet to be fully realized, I suspect.
We're moving into a new stage where I can feel free to make decisions about my brother's things that I've not felt free to before now. It is good to be at this place because it will start freeing up our home, but there is an emotional cost to this that I don't know how to count right now. On the surface it feels something like relief, but deep down it feels like something else. Another loss.
Meanwhile, while I ponder this somewhat elusive place I am in, stuff does get done. I do laundry. I grocery shop. I cook and eat. Too much. That last thing doesn't help, I know. I go to doctor's appointments. They tell me to eat better and get more exercise.
I know. I know...
I will.
And I stitch. I'm so thankful God gave me this gift of enjoying making things with my hands.
This week I stitched a little on the bunny cross stitch I showed last week - it's nearly done. And I kitted up a small seasonal project I'd like to start soon. And of course I don't want to totally neglect the mystery sampler I'm only 7 months behind on, but I have completely ignored it for a week now.
Today I have crochet to show. I got out some pretty spring-colored crochet threads and made two more little doilies from the book, 99 Little Doilies by Patricia Kristoffersen.
Doily #4, which I'm calling Sweet Thing:
and Doily # 24 - which I've dubbed "Parasol":
I'll just say upfront, I did #24 wrong. But that's okay. That makes mine an original. And a good blocking made it all better. Truth be told, I like my mistake better than the original. Isn't it nice when that happens? 😊 This one I made with size 3 thread, which means it's thicker than a typical doily, and it should make a nice little coaster. That center part is just the right size for fitting under a glass.
That's it! That's all I've got on the crafty front - on this second day of spring! Well that and tomorrow I'm scheduled for my second Pfizer COVID vaccine. Yay! Moving closer to normal!