It's hard to tell from the photo, but the colors are
a minty green, white and light gray
a minty green, white and light gray
(the edge and long stitches are in gray)
This Hexagon Baby Blanket ended up being a happier project to work on than the one I started out doing a month or so ago. I'm so glad I switched. It's a very easy pattern that went fairly speedily when I applied myself to it. I will probably make this pattern again some day.
I don't know if I mentioned this before, but I recently found a place that was a ready recipient of my baby and child-size blankets. I've made a number of them over the years with no recipients in mind - just because I love making blankets. That said, I was starting to feel a bit burdened about having so many around.
Well, I finally decided to get serious about finding a place to donate them, and after calling several places that didn't have need of them I began to think my blanket days might just be drawing to a close. And then I was talking with a friend from Michigan who'd recently begun serving on the board of a Foster Closet, and she suggested that idea as a possible donation site. That hadn't occurred to me! Within a few minutes of searching on the internet I was able to find several foster closets within a 30-miles radius. But digging deeper I found a fairly new one just up the road from me. I e-mailed them, and within minutes they responded with a hearty "Yes! We'd love to have your blankets!"
So just like that - I'm back in the blanket making business! I'm glad, too, because blankets are a great way to burn through stash. I'm happy making them, and hopefully children in trauma and experiencing terrible upheaval in their lives are in some small way comforted by a fresh new soft blanket of their own.
On a different note... last week I became the temporary holder of I-can't-even-count-how-many vintage cross stitch magazines. Here's just a sampling (seriously, I don't even want to count how many there are):
Eventually, they will be on their way to a fund-raising event, but being the transporter of them I get to enjoy the eye candy for now, and have picked out a few patterns I think I might like to make.
And wouldn't you know... just this week Sandra of farmgirlsam, and Jenn of Jenn's Crafty World, mentioned in her latest Flosstube video Stitch Maynia (a cross stitch challenge during the month of May). All kinds of cross-stitchers are posting about this right now, but these two ladies in particular have inspired me as they include cross stitch into their various projects.
So... While I'm not officially participating in Stitch Maynia, I am hoping to start some small cross stitch projects. We'll see how far this interest really goes - and frankly, we'll see if I actually cross stitch anything. But starting May 1st, I'm going to be following along - mostly just watching other Mayniacs as they start new projects, and hopefully gathering inspiration from them.
Since it's the last Sunday in April, here's a picture of ten dishcloths I knitted up this month:
I've been in a pastel sort of mood...
And now, I have a confession to make... I had to make a trip to Hobby Lobby to get some more gray yarn to finish the blanket above, and when I saw on their weekly flyer that crochet thread was on sale, I told myself I could buy a few balls of it. And I did. I bought 6 balls of pretty colored thread. And one skein of yarn for the blanket. I know none of that matters to anyone but me, but it has set me back a bit in reaching my goal. That said, overall I'm still ahead of the game so I'm not hanging my head too low. 😉
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2019 Yarn Stash-Down progress: 39.4/100 skeins