Wednesday, January 3, 2018

I have a confession to make...

I thought long and hard about writing this post.  Tucking it in here on a Wednesday when nobody expects me to post seems to me to be my safest bet.  So here goes...

I have a confession to make.

I am a yarnaholic.

image from

I know...  you're laughing and saying "That's you're big confession?" because if you're reading this, you likely are too.  A yarnaholic to some degree.  Or a fiberaholic, or a fabricaholic, or some other overindulger of crafty goods.  My confession isn't to be construed as judging.  I am not.  I love yarn.  I never want to not have yarn.  I love being able to shop my yarn stash whenever a crochet pattern strikes my fancy.  I want more yarn.

That said...  I have too much.

This is how I know...

Recently, as I was meandering around Ravelry, I came across some stash-down challenges.  Having felt for some time I have too much yarn, the idea of "stashing down" appealed to me very much.

One of the  challenges I came across was a 100-skein challenge.  The challenge is to remove or work-down 100 skeins of yarn in 2018.  That sounded like a lot of skeins to me, but at the same time I wondered how much of a dent that would actually make in my stash.  I knew my stash was big, but I didn't know exactly how big.

So, clearly, the first thing I needed to do was determine how much yarn I actually have.  Over the last few years I have recorded all of my yarn stash on Ravelry.  Well, just last night, I found out that if you download the Excel file of your Ravelry stash, you can then have your computer sum up the different categories (like # of skeins, yardage, anything that has a numeric value).

Now, I'm almost too embarrassed to admit this, but for the sake of enlightenment and to challenge others  of you to know how much yarn you actually have (if you want to know), I'm going to confess...  If I did the "summing" correctly on my Excel chart, and divided by 100 properly, I have enough stashed yarn to do the 100-skein challenge for TWENTY years!!!!!

image from

While you pick yourself up off the floor and fix your glasses, let me just say I'm dumbfounded, too.  I mean, I knew I had a lot of stash.  It's neatly organized for the most part, which is possibly why I could have so much and not even realize how much.  But TWENTY YEARS worth????   How did that even happen?   How much did that cost me to accumulate?  How many hours did I spend just logging that much yarn onto my Ravelry stash page - let alone taking pictures of, editing pictures, posting pictures...?

Don't try to answer those questions.  They are rhetorical, and I really don't want to know the answers.  Even though I think it's fair to ask them.

Before doing this little exercise, I was already telling myself I needed to go on a yarn diet.  But for TWENTY YEARS???   Forget dieting.  I'm just now hoping I live long enough to see the end of my stash.


Well...  I've got to do something about this.  Thinking I'm going to make much of a dent in my stash in a year's time is likely not a reasonable expectation.  But I've got to do something.  Even if it just looks like baby-stepping.  Or even if it looks like this:

image from

Here's what I'm going to try to do.  In my weekly YOP posts, when I show a finished project, I'm going to try to record a running tally of how many skeins I've used.   I'm going to do it without fanfare and only those who've happened to read this post will understand the significance of my running tally.  The tally may go down on occasion if I need to buy more yarn to complete a project, but hopefully, the overall tally will head in an upward direction most of the time.   When it hits 100 skeins I may throw  party or something.  Or maybe I'll just take a nap.

I'm not asking anyone to join me.  Or to share my views or concerns about my yarn hoard.  But I'd sure welcome encouragement from time to time if I manage to make progress.

And now that I got that off my chest, I need to get busy.  My crochet hooks (and yarn) await!

image from

Editing to note that I got it wrong above.  I know...  dividing by 100 is tough isn't it?   Actually, I was looking at the wrong column on the Excel chart.  I was looking at a column called "Skeins".  But today (the day after I wrote this post) I noticed another column called "Remaining skeins".   ðŸ˜¯  Evidently, the "Skeins" column is a record of all skeins entered into my stash.  So, assuming "Remaining skeins" is what I actually have to work from, my recalculations show that I only have 18 years of yarn!  

I know.  I know.  It's still ridiculous.  But somehow I feel like I've made progress already. 😃 


  1. this reminds me of a friend I have in quilt group! She actually is destashing and mailing yarn away! I have a lot of yarn too! I sure don't need more myself, so I get it! <3

    1. Thank you for the reply, Elizabeth. It's so easy to be excited about a craft and accumulate too much stuff. While I didn't have nearly the fabric hoard as I have yarn, a few years ago I donated most of my unused fabric to a ministry that makes quilts for the purpose of serving the poor (they may sell them and use the proceeds where needed, or they may give quilts to the poor - I don't recall, but it felt so good to part with it that way). I'm going to step up the making of charity projects this year (so much of my yarn is perfect for that), but I may eventually find I need to share my yarn with others who can work faster than my fingers can make my stash disappear.

  2. Whoops! How did THAT happen, lol! I hear you, crafting sister, so good luck! I really enjoyed my yarn weight loss challenge last year, and I did use more than I brought in. I also really thought about any purchases before making them and enjoyed having to be creative with what I have. I consider it even more of a success because for the past six months I have been working at a craft store and am around yarn (and great sales!) all the time.
    Looking forward to your success,

    1. lol. I know! A few years back it began with buying yarn here and there on sale (I always buy yarn on sale) and being excited about growing a stash, and now it ends in embarrassment. You inspired me last year to think more seriously about it, and you did make it look fun. Now that I've made my confession, I'm going to have that attitude. From this point, stashing down will not be about shame or drudgery, but it will be about generosity and creativity. I'm looking forward to seeing what I come up with! Thank you for your encouragement, Jenn.

  3. I'm ashamed to say that I've been lurking on your blog for far too long and should have piped up long before now, but I simply HAVE to tell you how much I enjoyed this post! I don't have a big yarn stash (living in an apartment means I simply don't have the space for it) BUT we won't discuss just how much stash I have accumulated to create crazy quilts. Even if I were to live three lifetimes (reincarnation??) I doubt there would be much of a dent.

    1. So glad you came out of lurkdom to reply! Don't feel ashamed of lurking. It thrills me. One lurker may represent dozens! I may actually have a HOARD of readers! And that thought tickles me a whole lot more than my hoard of yarn. ;^) Crazy quilts! If I my yarn wasn't taking up so much storage space, fabric would be my next choice to fill the closet shelves and floor. Thank you for much for commenting. Now I'm going to go lurk on YOUR blog.

    2. Hah - closet shelves....floor....under the bed....
      Lurking on my blog is definitely welcome (not that we don't like comments too!).

  4. This was hysterical! It should have been your YOP post....really! At least you are neat and organized. I have no idea how much I have but I don't think I have that much but would I know? I probably need to do the Ravelry thing plus an Excel spreadsheet would be nice but for now I'm just trying to divide and conquer! LOL! 18 years worth? Really? I hope I don't have that much but who knows....I don't seem to be very accountable for anything! LOL! You go girl! I'll be cheering you on and maybe 'shopping' your Ravelry stash! LOL! Just kidding....I know you don't want it to stray too far from home! You are too cute!

    1. I'm glad you got a laugh out of this post, Sam. I figure if we can't laugh at ourselves, we're really in trouble. Thanks for the encouragement! And for laughing along with me.

  5. I just read this and completely understand. I still look at wool in charity shops and have to force myself to leave it for someone else. I'll follow your progress. As you say, getting rid of two years worth overnight was a great start.

    1. It was the best boost I could have had happen to me! lol
