Sunday, January 26, 2020

Small things...

Other than knitting a little on dishcloths, I haven't been crafting for a couple of weeks.  Somehow I hurt both my shoulders and since they seem to be getting better, I assume I just strained them somehow and rest and Ibuprofen is probably what will serve me best right now.  And shoulder massages.  I'm not big on massages normally, but those seem to be helping to break up some really sore spots.

Some of you have been following along on my downsizing efforts (and I'm enjoying following some of yours).  Well, something came to my attention late last week, and I realized I have something to fit both a Year Of Projects post and a downsizing post today. 

I just got word this past week that a rummage sale is scheduled for next weekend to help raise funds for a little 8 year-old boy who has been fighting Leukemia since just before turning 2.   While I don't know the child or his family personally, he has been on our radar for years now, and other than pray for him and his family, nothing has come across my path that I could put legs (or hands) to to help.  But when I heard about the upcoming rummage sale, I immediate recognized that instead of taking things I'm getting rid of to a thrift shop, I can donate them to the sale.  The sale is next Saturday, so I don't have very long to come up with much, but this motivates me to concentrate on clearing out more stuff this week.  

The reason I'm sharing this information here on my YOP update, is that it dawned on me I could donate some hand-crafted items along with household items we're going through.  Now, if you've been reading here for any length of time, you probably know I have dozens of knitted dish/wash cloths at the ready, right?  So I pulled some together in sets of three and put (what I hope are fun) labels on them and will box them up for the sale with other donate-able items.

It's a win-win.  I enjoyed making these simple cloths.  I get to move them out - and for a worthy cause, no less.  And hopefully they'll bring a few dollars to the sale, and maybe they'll even make gifts for others.

I don't have much time, but this week I'm going through closets and cupboards to see what I can unearth to donate.  What better motivation to "de-junque" than when hoping it can benefit someone else.  I'll plan to post about my efforts in a downsizing post later in the week.

To see what other YOPers are up to, 
visit their blogs in my sidebar.  👉


  1. I suspect that your downsizing has involved a lot of lifting and carrying, especially heavy items like stacks of books. Not surprising that your shoulders are asking for a rest.

    1. It sounds like the most reasonable explanation, but the timing of when they started hurting didn't seem to coincide with any heavy lifting or repetitive movement. It was truly worrysome the first week they hurt, but now that I'm feeling some relief (and not taking ibuprofen very often) makes me think you may be right.

  2. I'm with Boud in thinking your shoulder issue just might be because of all the lifting you've been doing. I think it's wonderful to donate items to the rummage sale cause - it's so sad that a little one is so sick though.

    1. It is a very hard situation. Evidently, he has reponsded well to treatment in the past, but recently things have not been so good. I'm a big believer in prayer, but it also feel good to do something with my hands and feet.

  3. I love your idea of the washcloths. That was a wonderful idea. Take care of yourself. I think sometimes I just forget to slow down until my body says..."no more."

  4. Your dishcloths are very nice and attractively packaged!💖 I hope the rummage sale raises a lot of money for the little boy. I pray that he will be cured! Such a long time for a child to be constantly sick.

  5. Those bands on the cloths are fantastic. At the sales here, the cloths are selling for $5 each! That's a pretty good return. Hopefully your cloths will bring in some nice change for the young boy who needs help.

    1. You're making me wonder if I should package these differently. Maybe just two cloths together. I may ask if they'd like single cloths (I'd give them all I have if that's the case). I just think they look nicer bundled together with a label and may fetch a bit more money than if they're just laying singularly out on a table. Thanks for the encouragement, Marsha. And for giving me ideas...

  6. What a wonderful project to donate to! Plus, motivation to forge ahead! Where did you get those darling labels? I hope your shoulders feel better!

    1. Yes, I'm glad for the new motivation to declutter this week. Also, it's always easier to release things when you imagine someone else being blessed by them - as opposed to just sending things out into the big wide word of "thrift stores". I made the labels in a Word document. The little artistic design in the middle is something I found as a freebie graphic once upon a time.

  7. Your cloths look amazing, such pretty colours and a really worthy cause. I hope you are on the mend, take care of yourself...

  8. I love the way you've packaged the dish cloths, Becki, they are so colorful and useful, how nice to know that they will help a good cause. Thanks for visiting and allowing me to find you.

  9. So wonderful that you have this opportunity to help out for a worthy cause.

  10. The cloths look perfect and are packaged so well. It's so sad that it is needed but if you can help out it's a lovely gesture.
