Thursday, February 17, 2022

Thursday night...

A strange, and yet somehow normal day in mid February in Indiana.  Mid 50's and rainy this afternoon, currently 32 degrees and snowing at 10:30.

Supper leftovers are put way, dishes are done, the kitchen is clean.  Here I sit folding clean towels. 

Gothic Noir filter on Samsung Galaxy J7 Sky Pro 

I believe I've mentioned elsewhere here how much I like kitchen towels...


  1. Kitchen towels are frightfully useful things.

    1. lol - I couldn't imagine anyone coming up with anything clever to say about such a post. In fact, I suspect most who pop in on this one will scratch their heads. (chuckling) Thank you for coming through, TB.

  2. Well whatever floats your boat Becki, I bet you got a lot of satisfaction folding those, love the two photo shoots the first one is very effective. Enjoy your weekend. xx

    1. Hmmm... satisfaction folding towels? Don't know that that has occurred to me. But taking pictures of everyday kinds of things is intriguing me at the moment. This is just the first time I've posted one. :)

  3. Pictures of folded towels please me. Say, I'm teasing, but do you ever fold dirty towels? ☺️

    1. I don't believe I have ever folded dirty towels, Vee. Ick. Hope I never do. I'm also hoping we'll never unload a dirty dishwasher - it's so new to us after 23 years of not owning one, I am afraid we'll do it some night, only to discover it at breakfast.

  4. My kitchen towels are so stained that even though they're linen, they don't stand up to posing for pictures! Maybe in a grayscale, it would work.

    1. I don't know, Liz... I think your stained linen towels might be interesting subject matter for a photo. There are stories in those stains. And yes... grayscale makes everything better, doesn't it?

  5. I love CLEAN kitchen towels. Unfortunely I buy them frequently because my husband likes to use them in place of using a NAPKIN.

    1. lol - I totally understand. I've occasionally done the same.

  6. Lots of kitchen towels are essential. I love them too. Do you make any of yours?

    1. I haven't. Though once upon a time I considered making some cotton tea towels. But I have too many of those to take the time and effort (and expense) of making more, so I doubt I ever will. If I do, I'll make a post about it - for sure. :)

  7. Interesting filter technique. I have a few available on my blog and I never seem to remember to actually use them.

    1. The reason I even took the picture was because I liked the contrast of the colors in the fruit bowl next to my black and white (and some blue and white) towels. The photo wasn't nearly as interesting though. Until I played with the filters. I may post more of this kind of thing.

  8. I love kitchen towels too, wow! Maybe it is a family trait. I wonder if Debbie does too. I wanted to upload my favorite kitchen towel, but alas, there is no feature to do that in a comment. Love, Sister Sherri

    1. Interesting. I can't say I have real memories about kitchen towels growing up. I remember paper towels. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Debbie is also lover of pretty towels. I have some fun, bright tea towels, but I mostly pull those out in the summer. I have a ridiculously long post on here somewhere about my kitchen towel hoard and usage. :)

  9. Beautiful photos. Sometimes the most utilitarian things are the most beautiful. And yes, I love kitchen towels too.

  10. Hello! Would you believe I am horrible about having decent kitchen towels??? I have no reason. I just need get some! Love the photos!

    1. I have purchased all these towels at Walmart. They are the larger of the kitchen towels they sell and they are a decent thickness. I noticed recently they have gone up in price, but I suspect they are still more affordable than purchased in many other places.

  11. I like pretty kitchen towels too. That’s not to say that all of mine are pretty. They do get used and show the wear.

    1. I cycle my old towels into rags once they get stained to the point of bothering me or start to look worn. I figure if they're at work in the kitchen or the rag box, they're still serving me. For towels that get a hot wash every week, these tend to last, though.

  12. You have really nice kitchen towels! My stash is an eclectic bunch of holiday ones and Hawaiian ones. I wish more kitchen hand towels were sold, usually it's just cute dish ones.

    1. Oh, I bet your Hawaiian towels are fun, Stef! All the towels above were purchased at Walmart. They're decent towels, but not really special at all.

  13. I like what you've done with black-and-white photography. I should play around with that idea.
