Saturday, July 16, 2022

Walk like an Egyptian...

In spite of having surgery right smack in the middle of planting the garden this spring, and then subsequent challenges for me of bending over for several weeks (something one does fairly often when tending a garden), somehow my garden has managed to thrive - more or less.   

Hub helped out with some weeding in the early weeks of June, and he hammered tomato support stakes in the ground when the tomato plants started flopping over.  And while I don't really know how I managed it, I was able to finish the planting of some pole beans, zucchini, yellow squash and cucumbers in early June.   Then by mid June, when we were clearly in a drought, Hub set up hoses across the yard so I could just step outside when I needed to turn the sprinkler on.  That has been wonderful during recent scorching hot weeks.  

All that said, I have to admit... until this week (when I turned a significant corner in the ability to bend forward and toward the ground, and even get down on the ground), the garden has mostly done its thing while I've tried not to overdo it for most of the last six weeks.  I learned the hard way (as I suspect most people do), that a person often can't tell they've overdone it until after the deed is done.  

Anyway... as of today, this:

Looks like this:

It's amazing the difference a month and a half makes.  I know it's not the prettiest garden, but considering the spring I've had, I'm kind of impressed we have a garden at all.

The thing I want to write about today, though, is something I've shown here before, and I've had a complete change of heart over.

At the time, I couldn't figure out what it was.  I was even a bit cautious about tasting them.   Well, I finally did taste one, and was surprised to find it tasted like a peppery onion.  While I concluded they were edible, I still wasn't overly impressed, and I figured I would at some point just dig them up and plant something else in their place.

Before I did that, though, I decided we needed to ask the previous owners just what this mystery plant was.  I'd never heard of it before, and since none of my regular readers suggested it back in April, I'm guessing none of them (or you?) have heard of these either. 

Or maybe this will jog your memory...

These are Egyptian Walking Onions.  Or simply Walking Onions.  Or Tree Onions.  Or top-set onions...  I have no idea how many different names this plant has, but it seems they go by a variety of different names.

Once I learned more about them, I became intrigued and decided that I'd give them a year (at least) and even harvest some and use them in cooking before I turned my back on them.

I'm not going to explain them in great depth here (there are lots of articles and YouTube videos that will do that), but I enjoyed taking pictures of this plant as it progressed through spring, and I've decided it is time to let you in on my fun little adventure with Egyptian Walking Onions.

In late spring, these little white sacs started appearing at the top of the green stalks:

You can see them atop just about all of the stems late in May:

It wasn't long before the little sacs started opening up, revealing what was inside:
What appeared were more stalk-like things, breaking the sac open as they unfurled.

And then little pink bulbs started appearing.  With more stalks growing out from them:

And at the ends of these new stalks were new little white sacs:

It was all kind of magical.  And I knew before May was over, we were keeping these babies.

The short explanation as to why these are called Walking Onions is because at some point, the top-set bulblets weigh the stalk down, bending it over until the those bulblets are touching the ground.  If left there, they will take root and form a new plant - shooting up a new green stalk, and the process starts all over again. Over time, the plants "walk" across the garden, replanting themselves over and over again.

And as if watching that happen every spring and summer isn't enough reason to grow these, I came to learn that every part of the plant is edible at some point.  These plants earn their keep!  When young and tender, the green stalks can be used like chives, and the plant can be dug up and the small onion can be used just as you would use any onion (they are a little spicey all by themselves, but in a dish they seem fine).  Even the little purple bulblets can be harvested when they are tender and used as small onions.  Some say they taste a bit like scallions, but perhaps a little more pungent.  I've never tasted a scallion, so I have no idea.  Now that I've developed something of a relationship with these amazing plants, they don't need to taste like anything but themselves as far as I'm concerned. 

The plants that have sprung up outside the raised bed boundary for the onions,  like these (in the foreground):
I'm digging up and cooking with them.

Cleaned up, you can see they make fine, if small, onions:

At this point, most of the green part of the plants are dying back. I'm planning on cutting back the dead stems and what I don't separate and transplant, I'll be letting overwinter in place and see what's there when I dig next spring.  I suspect they will be larger onions, and possibly more than one onion per plant.  

And I'm harvesting the top-set bulblets to plant where I'd like them to be, rather than just let them take root wherever they fall.  

At this point, these bulblets are starting to dry out on the plant, and most of what I read indicates that late summer through autumn is when they are best to plant.  I'm so looking forward to seeing the annual cycle of these plants.  And I'm so glad I didn't dig them up when they were still a mystery to me!  😊

How does your garden grow?  


  1. Wow Becki. Sorry to hear you had to have surgery. That does kind of limit things you can do. Yet you still managed to get quite a nice garden going. I had never heard of walking onions. How fascinating. I learned something new from you again.

    1. The garden is growing pretty well, but so are the weeds. If I felt more completely myself, I'd be dealing with them with more conviction, but I'm afraid my weed removal is little more than a cursory tour around the garden every week or two this summer.

  2. Facinating, I would want to keep them too, well done on manging to do such a great job on your garden after having surgery, probably the exercise has helped to speed up the healing process, I'm pleased that you are getting back to normal. I have grown, rocket, purple sprouting broccoli, spinach, parsley, beetroot, leeks and celery some for the first time, I won't be planting the broccoli again as it went to seed almost immediately I think it's better as a winter crop. I also have a solitary tomato plant if it produces any tomatoes it will be a miracle haha. Have a lovely weekend.xx

    1. I think getting out in the sun has been helpful, but honestly, I know I've hurt myself a few times trying to do something before the innards are healed enough. Just did something stupid a week ago and I'm still feeling it. I had to look up rocket and was surprised to find such a name applied to arugula. It's so funny what names plants are given. Your garden sounds so yummy. I'm already looking forward to next spring when I can think of things to plant I didn't get around to this year.

  3. That is really cool about the Walking Onions! Very cool, I've never heard of them and I love how you explained it! Please don't overdo it!!! ♥ So happy your garden is thriving!!!

    1. You would love walking onions, Rain. With just a little care, these plants just keep coming back - supposedly. I haven't seen a second harvest yet. I'm going by faith on that one.

  4. I have walking onions too. I've had them for years, yet never cooked with them. How odd is that?! But I have loved watching them and seeing how crazy they can get. I have held their little 'hands' and walked with them in a few different gardens. I also have wild garlic which has very curly tops and bulbets that plant themselves all over. Who knew the onion family was such fun??

    1. I saw them in your garden pictures, Debra. I was excited. They are definitely entertaining to watch grow and travel. Now you've made me want to try wild garlic!

  5. I never heard of these before. I should look into it!

    1. I think you would find them fascinating, Liz. They evidently make good container plants, as well as garden plants.

  6. I wondered when you showed the earlier photo if they might be walking onions, but I guess I never got around to leaving a comment. My daughter and family have walking onions in a raised bed in their Nevada backyard. I've cooked with them there and they are really good, besides being so much fun!

    1. Mrs. T. while I prefer the taste of regular onions (white or yellow), these are definitely worth growing for the entertainment value.

  7. Sorry about your surgery. I trust that the result was good and that by now you are feeling 100%. Your garden looks good. I like the onions. They really are a good plant to have around. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. 100% is a little down the road, still, but I'm doing really well I think.

  8. I have never heard of Egyptian walking onions and now I want a garden so I can plant some. Must see if I can find some and then 'gift' them to our friends because I know they'd get a kick out of growing them.
    Glad to hear you're feeling better!

    1. Thank you, Mary Anne. Great idea. These would make a fun gift for gardeners!

  9. I only recently heard of walking onions and now your post. They sound most intriguing if one has the room for them. I'm glad that you waited to see what you had as well.

    1. Vee, I do wonder how much ground they'll cover if left to their own devices. I've already harvested maybe a quarter of what is growing out there, so digging them up to eat is certainly one way of keeping them in check. :)

  10. Well, look at that! Your garden is amazing!!! And lovely too! Thanks for the info about the onions. I had never seen nor heard of them! Hope and pray you continue to heal and progress. Have a cozy evening. : )

    1. Oh, Billie Jo... you are very kind. I hope you're having a great week.

  11. Becki, one of the greatest gardening discoveries I have made in the last 5 years is waling onions. They are amazing!

    1. TB, I can't believe I've never heard of these before - especially after watching dozens of youtube videos of people who grow them. I feel like I've finally been let in on the best known secret out there.

  12. The things I learn from my blog friends! Yes, they really do resemble scallions, which I love in salads.

    1. I'm glad I've shown you something new, Bob. I've added them to salad. Funny... eaten alone, I find their taste strong and a bit off-putting, but once I had them to something they just seem to taste like regular onions to me.

  13. What a very interesting plant! And for me, the non-gardener, a very interesting post! Love the pictures and I agree with your final decision - let them live and thrive!!!

    1. Thank you, Elaine. I'm glad you liked the post. :)
