Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Making Space - week 1

Making Space graphics used in my weekly posts, or any found here
can be used by anyone participating in this decluttering challenge.

For the first week of this Making Space challenge, I decided to go through my jewelry.  Left to my own natural inclinations, I'd probably own a couple earrings, a watch, a few fun necklaces and my wedding ring.  The only things I regularly wear is my wedding ring, and a pair of hoops or other dangly earrings.  I haven't had a working watch in years, and while I have some necklaces, I've gotten out of the habit of wearing one.  How many ways can I say I'm just that into jewelry?   

That said, I own some interesting (mostly costume) jewelry my mother had, and this summer my sister-in-law offered me the opportunity to look through and take home some pieces of my MIL's jewelry - which, of course, I was really happy to do.  And it has sat in boxes at the foot of a dresser for months.  This week it was finally time to sort through everything and make a place for what I wanted to keep.

So I pulled everything out, consolidated items, and considered what I might wear vs what I know I will never wear - e.g. taking an honest look at myself in the mirror, I can accept that choker-length necklaces will likely never be flattering for me again (nevermind that I hate the feeling of anything circling my neck anymore), but putting on a vintage bracelet and enjoying how it looked I did decide to try wearing some of the ones I'd inherited -  just for fun.  If jewelry doesn't enhance something or simply make you smile, what's the point in it?

And just like that I was able to make some decisions. Knowing what I won't likely ever wear again is just as valuable as knowing what I will wear.  So touching every item, I was able to fairly easily decide to rehome some of it, and throw away some things that are just old (and of no value - don't worry).  And several things got put in my craft supplies for possible harvesting for something else someday.  

I added a few items after this picture was shot, so consider this picture just a representation  of what was parted with:

I also didn't include in the picture some pieces with beads or dangly bits that are now in my craft room since technically they are still taking up space.  I guess some of the earrings above are too, but we'll not worry about that...

For the sake of enjoying how much I end up removing from my home, I'm going to try keeping an approximate running tally of all that leaves, so I skimmed the picture and counted around 15 items (counting a pair of earrings as 1 item). 

Making Space:  15 items gone

They are just small things, but getting rid of them "made space".
I also suspect I'll revisit jewelry at some point in this Making Space challenge.

If you'd like to join in a low-key decluttering activity that fits with the pace of life, see my post explaining this Making Space endeavor.  Check out the bottom of same link for graphics you can feel free to use.

And you might want to check out this video from The Minimal Mom:

Good food for thought!


  1. Oh I have a love-hate relationship with her. I am not a minimalist and don't want to be. 🥴

    I would have a hard time with the jewelry as evidenced by the fact that my mother's and grandmother's jewelry is packed away and under the bed. 🙃 You've done well.

    1. I can appreciate the love-hate relationship of which you speak. ;^) I'm not after minimalism either, but minimalist's ideas can help me get clarity about some things I'm stuck on. For example, I really do believe she's correct about having too much (she calls it "more than enough", I think). The happiness meter (for me) does start to plummet after I go beyond the "enough" mark. Re: jewelry... I'm still hanging onto things that I'm keeping only because they were my mother's. She was a big pin (brooch) wearer. I'm not, but the ones of hers that I have look so fun. Maybe they just make feel close to her - and, for now, that's reason enough to keep them.

  2. Costume jewelry can have so many uses. I use the broken pieces for craft projects.

    1. I actually thought of people like you (and Boud) wondering what you would do with it. Reimagining isn't beyond me, but I need to clear some space (physically and mentally) to think about doing this. Or maybe I just needed to separate out the truly nice things from the questionable stuff. That's why for now some of it's cooling its heels in my craft room. ;^)

  3. Good for you! I don't really wear jewelry but I find it hard to get rid of. I need to send it all to my daughter...she's the jewelry person. But I haven't reached the jewekry yet in my Making Space journey.

    1. Jewelry that belonged to a loved one is so personal. I think that's why I was happy to look through MIL's jewelry and take some items even though I sure didn't need any of it. I'm guessing the personal nature of jewelry is why it can feel hard to get rid of - even for those of us who aren't really that into it.

  4. I'm a minimalist when it comes to jewelry too - wedding ring and a pair of earrings (usually the same ones every day) is about it. I wore a watch up until the pandemic hit and don't bother with it now. I have some costume jewelry, some of which belonged to my mother, but I never wear it. I like jewelry - I just don't remember to wear it!
    I like the idea of a running tab of what's gone....might have to implement that one too. I'm not saying I'm going to be able to get rid of stuff every week but I'll try (and no, I'm not going to worry if I don't!).

    1. If you look at my profile picture you'll see me in pair of hoops. That picture is possibly five years old (I really should update it before I change so much I scare ya'll with a new one). Anyway, those hoops are pretty much what I wear every day, unless I remind myself to pull something else out. Oftentimes it's just another pair of hoops - different size, different shape... In the fall I do like to wear a couple different pairs of "leaf" earrings, and in the winter I wear more solid color tops, so I sometimes enjoy wearing earrings with some color. But I totally understand just not remembering to even think about wearing jewelry. I do have some long necklaces that I sometimes enjoy wearing - when I think of it.

  5. I love jewelry but seldom wear much. Hubby loves to buy it for me so it is gonna be interesting when I get to that part.

    1. I think it will be interesting during this time that we're sharing this process to hear what is hard for some and not for others. At the beginning here, it seems that everything may be hard (on some level), but I'm guessing I will have categories of things that simply won't be. I wish I could identify those things so I could save them to do after a more challenging declutter session. For the next several days I'm going through my closet and I'm finding it harder than I anticipated...

  6. Great start. I am slow on getting started so I have decided to stretch the truth a bit .... and say I am starting THIS WEEK!! haha!!

  7. Did Goodwill take your jewelry pieces? I was curious where one would donate them besides pass them personally on to others.

    1. I'm afraid they're still waiting to be carted away (though they are bagged and ready to go). I haven't been inside the local Goodwill in quite some time, but I do remember they used to have a jewelry case. I may stop in there this week and look before driving around to the side and dropping things off. There is another thrift store in town that I also like to take things to. I don't see why a thrift store wouldn't take jewelry. I'd think a jewelry case (or just pieces displayed near the cash register) would be popular.
