Friday, May 4, 2018

Out for a walk...

On a super windy May day, between the wind whipping me and my (phone) camera, and whipping the trees, I found it impossible to get an in-focus picture when walking today.   But the tree blossoms were fuller and spring is slowly greening here.

Last week:

This week:

Last week:

This week:
Blurry pic, but the Redbud trees are fuller of blossom

And I noticed this little fella on my second lap around the wetland path (actually, he wasn't all that little.  He was nearly a foot long):
It was just him and me out at this spot on this windy day, so I'm not sure what had him in his shell, 
but he was playing bashful.



  1. Fun to see the difference with the trees over a week's span of time.

  2. Hi Becki :) What a nice walk, thank you for letting me tag along! Spring is in the air!! I love that turtle, we don't see too many of them around here! :)

  3. Wow, I would say spring has come to your part of the country. Grwat photos,

  4. How nice to get some fresh air. We've been having windy days here too and it warms up to low 70's. I have the house fan on to cool down our home.
