Friday, August 5, 2022

Next year's onions...


  1. Replies
    1. Supposedly these taste something like shallots when they're fresh. I haven't eaten any of this little bulblets. I think they're all probably too dry at this point. Next year!

  2. Wish we could still grow onions but they don't seem to do well in pots on the balcony. Have to content ourselves with chives.

    1. I've read that these walking onions do pretty well in pots. I may have to plant some in a pot this fall and see how they come through the winter.

  3. That's a nice shot. Vegetables are wonderful shapes and colors. The contrast with the bowl is pleasing.

    1. Thanks, Liz. The little bowl is one of 4 what I've come to call "ice cream bowls" - just some inexpensive bowls bought at Walmart, I think, many years ago. I often pull one out the cupboard to put little things in - sometimes the little bits of food trimmings that will be thrown away. I put the onion bulbils in this bowl when I first brought them into the house, and it's sat on the counter for a few weeks now. It wasn't until I decided to post the picture, that I noticed the fun swirling design under the onions. I'm glad you approve.

  4. What an "artsy" photo, and such a true statement of what is expected to come.

  5. The bowl and onions do go well together,
