Sunday, May 5, 2024

Minimalism Challenge 2024 - Craft Edition, Days 11-22

I had no intention of disappearing for over a week - especially, right in the middle of my minimalism challenge, but best laid plans got waylaid by sickness.  I have no idea what respiratory bug I caught hold of, but by day 4 of a low grade fever and a wicked cough I was finally miserable enough to call my doctor's office.  I was able to get in to see one of my doctor's nurse practitioners.  

Which makes me want to ask...  Does anyone else out there prefer seeing your doctor's nurse practitioner or physician assistant over your doctor?  It's not that I dislike my GP, mind you, but it's her staff who are the jewels.  When I see one of these persons, the whole visit just seems more congenial and accommodating to me somehow.  Do these staff have more time than the doctor?  It wouldn't seem like it.  Less stress?  Possibly.     

Now two days on a steroid, and a magic cough potion and I'm starting to feel human again. I just wish the sore muscles under my ribs could count for some kind of exercise.  Ouch.

While I managed to squeeze in a couple of afternoons working in the garden between fever spells, nothing else of any consequence happened around here for the past week.  The crafty things I'm parting with below were all gathered before the coughing sickness befell me, and I'm thinking I've now pretty much gone through everything.  I'll plan to have a final post in this series in a little over a week.  We'll see if I can manage to round up anything else.  

For now, here is the latest count:

A crocheted bag - I'm not sure what I thought I might use it for once upon a time.  I'm even less sure now.  (1 thing)

A tabard costume piece made over 20 years ago for one of my then little boys, a lacey piece of cloth, a child's crocheted sweater that at one time I thought cute, now I'm not so sure, and a small art print.  (4 things)

Some bags and strings of beads.  (30 things)

I really don't know why I've been hanging onto this styrofoam cone for so long.  The lacey wreath has seen better days, and the nose bridges have got to go. I found those at Hobby Lobby toward the end of the those awful mask-making days, and I have no intention of ever making another face mask again.   (3 things)

Old cross stitch magazines  (3 things)

Some sparkly specialty yarns, purchased on clearance, and then I fizzled out on it.
(10 things)

Two posters that middle son made in highschool.  They were part of his graduation table display.  In highschool, he played on a worship team at church, and as a young adult was in a small band with friends.  I may be partial, but I think he played a decent guitar.  I found these posters in the corner of my craft room and am so glad I saved them all these years.  They made me smile, and I hope he'll be surprised to see them again.  I also hope he doesn't read my blog.  (2 things)

Old crochet magazines  (20 things)

So, if I've counted correctly... 

Minimalism Challenge 2024 - Craft Edition 
Tally:   128 things gone.


  1. Interesting the history these items bring back.

    1. I know you have lots of experience with this, Liz. I find these memories make it both fun and hard when sorting through and parting with stuff. It's like saying goodbye all over again to bygone times.

  2. Congratulations, Becki!
    I know colds are going around. At least here.
    Glad you are feeling better.
    And congratulations on getting rid of that many items!
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thank you for being a cheerleader, Linda. :)

  3. I'm so sorry you didn't manage to run fast enough to escape the germs. There seems to be a bad one going around, probably because people are relaxing with the wearing of masks and social distancing and letting the germs make the rounds.
    Good on you for getting rid of so much. I've gotten rid of a few things too but forgot to keep track of them. Next 'up' is to tackle our bedroom closet which is teeny and is packed to the gills with 'stuff'. I know I have a number of bulky quilts up on the shelf which have absolutely no meaning to me and so I don't (hopefully!) feel the least bit guilty blessing them onwards to someone else. My goal is to empty a huge piece of furniture that currently also holds bedding and excess dishes we rarely use and replace it with a much smaller chest of drawers and then attempt to figure out a way to ship the 'huge' out to BC to our son who would love to have it.

    1. Knowing you live in an apartment is inspiring to me, somehow, Mary Anne. Both because of your amazing storage skills, but also because you are continuing downsizing your stuff. It seems appropriate to be about that at this stage in life. Those of us in this age bracket do well to encourage each other to keep up the work, I think.

    2. My measuring stick (so to speak) on pretty much everything now is - what would my boys do with this when I'm gone...would they want it and if the answer is a definite 'no' then it's fair game for the thrift store.

  4. Oh, I do hope your coughing illness gets better quickly. I was down with nine for five weeks! 6 weeks later and I still have 1 rub that is sore. I do believe coughing is a form of aerobics. You are doing well of your decluttering. So interesting to see things you have unearthed. I do hope your son will get joy from his posters. What a great memory to find.

    1. I'm feeling better, Marsha - even my under-rib muscles feel a bit better today, but the coughing is still very irritating and tiring. One more push through the room, and I'm ready to be done with this challenge.

  5. So sorry you were feeling so awful, and I'm glad to hear you are finally on the mend. It was fun to see the little collection of give away items. Who knows why we hang onto certain things, like that Styrofoam cone - haha - I've done the same. It feels to good to finally let go. No doubt your son will find pleasure in his old posters - he even may be secretly glad you saved them all these years. Especially if good memories are attached to them. Thanks for a lovely post, Becki.

    1. Brenda, I think son will be glad to see the posters again. I believe he has a room where his guitars are displayed. Maybe these posters will go on display too.

  6. Becki - I honestly do not know if the GP or the Nurse Practitioner (or Nurse) makes that much difference to me. I just want a quick and efficient diagnosis of the problem at hand.

    It is odd that we hold on to some things with undoubtedly good intentions at the time, intentions that we cannot recall at some point.

    1. TB, I don't mind quick and efficient, but too often those things turn into me feeling rushed. If a visit takes a little longer because the health professional takes some extra time to listen, I appreciate that, too. They all have their noses in their computers anymore, and are typing away. The NP did too, but she would stop and engage me more than my doctor does. I'm realizing, too, that I'm probably a bit more relaxed with an NP or PA than with my doctor. I don't know how much of that is my personality, or the friendliness of the NPs or PAs. Now that I think about it, though, I realize I'm more comfortable with my oncologist doctor than with his NP - even though I have a lot of confidence in her. He talks less speedy than her, but she is definitely efficient. Yeah, I imagine it's all personality driven more than anything.

  7. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been poorly. I’m quite sure coughing gives similar muscle aches to doing sit-ups so it must be some exercise really. You did well to still work through so many items to declutter. The cone…I wonder if it was going to be a Christmas tree…or a huge snowman’s carrot nose 😀. I was distracted last week with the video game but will get back on track this week. Liz (Highlandheffalump)

    1. Liz, you make me feel hopeful the coughing has maybe been a little useful to my muscles. ;^) While I'm still coughing, the pain has lightened up today.

  8. I hope you are feeling better every day. Take good care of yourself. I hope you're having some sunny weather and you can get outside and be in the sunshine.

    1. I think I am, Debra. The progress is slow, but I do think I'm making progress. I did get out in the garden yesterday and planted some pole beans and did some weeding. It was exhausting, but it also felt good to do.

  9. You're doing GREAT! Purging is hard but when done, the extra space and feelings of obligation to do SOMETHING with all that stuff are gone. I disposed (in several ways) of my craft/sewing room two years ago and have not regretted it. I have more time now to read, exercise, and just be relaxed. It was fun to be crafty for so many years, but I've moved on to other things. Keep up the good work, and I hope you completely recover from that bug you had.

    1. Yes, Barbara! There is a freedom in realizing when I don't want to do a thing anymore and I'm able to let it go. It's not always easy for me to arrive at that realization, though.

  10. Your craft works are very nice ! I don't like knitting, sewing or crocheting, but I admire those who have the patience to create such beautiful things !

  11. You are doing a great job, Becki! I do like to see a nurse practitioner if they are available and have had the same suspicion, that I get a little more attention.

    1. Thanks, Bob. This business about doctors and their NPs and PAs... makes me wonder if they all know the dynamic is different between them.
