Friday, April 26, 2024

Can't Help Overthinking...

Sometime in the last month or so, I started making a sort of scrappy Dahlia Blanket (another pattern designed by Lucy of Attic 21).   I've pulled from my massive stash of unused skeins of yarns as well as scrap balls leftover from past projects to make this colorful blanket. I have hopes of burning through a lot of yarn by the time I'm finished. 

Random stripes of various colors is not completely in my comfort zone, but I'm trying to not overthink this.  

At the point the picture above was taken, I was seriously second guessing the noisy colors I had chosen.  I tried to console my busy brain by thinking, as long as I don't weave in the ends, I can always change my mind and reclaim the yarn for something else.  And change my mind, I did.  Over and over again.  

The first time I changed my mind was early on, but after about 20 rows were completed.  I decided more white rows interspersed among the random colors would look a little more, I don't know... intentional?  balanced?  Yes!  I needed a balance between something that looked intentional and random. I fought the idea of ripping out most of those rows and crocheting them all over again, but once I did, I was relieved.  It did look better.  Or so I thought.  And then before long, once again, I wasn't sure.  But at this point, I'm committed to my intentional randomness, and am starting to feel more confident it will be a cheerful, fun blanket.  

I'll be over the moon happy if it turns out anywhere close to whimsical (which was what I was originally hoping for when I picked out all these colors), but after so much angst, I'll settle for not awful, and to be done with it already.  Hopefully, it won't be much longer before I'm out of my misery and the verdict is in.

Until then, some amount of overthinking will, no doubt, continue.

It's what I do.  

It looked better at this earlier stage than it does now. 
But it gives me hope.


  1. What a fun blanket. It will brighten up a room during dark and dreary winter months.

    1. That was the hope, Marsha. I have enjoyed the colorful Spice of Life Blankets I made years ago. They are happy things to wrap up in.

  2. I like the addition of the white too. And what a great way to use up some odd balls of yarn. I did several mile-a-minute ones awhile ago and used pretty much all the 'bits' I had in those with black as my outline in the strips. They went over well with our family.

    1. Mary Anne, black would make a good neutral (like I'm using white). I'm also partial to gray or taupe (better yet, a taupey gray). While this has stressed me, I'm sure I haven't made my last blanket of many colors. ;^)

  3. Becki, I think we can overthink a lot of things. Those that see the results are almost always delighted. At least for me, 90% of my overthinking does nothing for the finished product.

    1. I don't know TB... A lot of my overthinking things has to do with figuring out details (or trying to consider all possibilities so I'm not surprised later. It feels painful, but it also seems like someone should do it! lol I do wish I didn't overthink creative endeavors so much, though. It can suck the spontaneity right out of the whole endeavor.

  4. I love it! Adding the white was a great idea.

  5. I love all of the colors Becki! ♥

  6. However you came to it, I think it is definitely bright and colorful! I like it. :)
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Linda. Hopefully, I'll get this thing done soon!

  7. I love colorful the more colors there are the best it is for me ! The world is already so grey and dull !

    1. Thank you, Gattina! The main point of making a blanket of many colors is to bring a smile.

  8. I absolutely LOVE it, Becki! Love!
