Tuesday, November 13, 2018

A slow day...

It's a slow day here.  Husband is sick with a cold, neither of us of slept well last night.  It's COLD and gloomy outside, and this morning comfort food seemed to be the thing to tuck into.

Homecrafted sausage & egg biscuit

And just because I was curious after cracking open two double-yolked jumbo-sized eggs a week or so ago, I thought I'd share the evidence that one cannot necessarily expect to find double yolks among the jumbo eggs:

Just a single beautiful golden yellow yolk per egg.

Now, with a slow day stretching out in front of me, I'm going to get myself on the treadmill (to do some penance for that decadent brunch), then do some getting rid of stuff.   It's been going on in the background slowly here, but some of my fellow bloggers have inspired me to kick it up a notch.  

Being in possession of too many books has become something that's bothering me - in mind and spirit.  I've been culling out books for several years, and today I think I need to take another pass through the bookshelves and remove some things that for one reason or another I will likely never miss once they're out of sight.  It's always freeing to do this - even though books are among the things I find the hardest to get rid of.   Come to think on it, that they are so hard to part with is probably why it's so freeing to let them go.  

Perhaps more on that once I've done the deed...



  1. I hope your hubby's cold leaves quickly. Between you and Sam (Sandra), I am getting very inspired to get my decluttering back in my daily routine. Books are my hubby's passion too. They will be the last thing decluttered.

  2. Sorry you are tired and hubby is sick. I am tired every day until my vitamins kick in about noon or I finally wake up. I just push myself until then but not too hard. Your breakfast looked yummy! I usually fix myself an egg mcmuffin 2 or 3 times a week but no sausage or bacon just an egg and cheese on an English muffin. You are way more ambitious than I am. I must admit though eggs fill me up for the whole day until supper usually plus they give me protein and energy which I sorely need!
    Now I feel guilty as I didn't de-clutter Friday or yesterday....today for sure!!! We need to support each other in this effort! LOL! I have so many books...they are my true treasures but many had to do with my career which is no more and things that no longer relate to me so I think I will sell mine if I can. I have LOTS!!! For now I am just organizing and straightening and getting rid of in boxes in the garage for either a sale or the Thrift Store or both. Much of it doesn't make it to the garage and goes directly in the garbage. It's not easy but it gets easier the older I get! LOL! I hope your husband feels better and you don't catch it!

  3. I hope you two are feeling better today. Your homemade, egg McMuffin looks so good and hot dang you made your own biscuits too. Super awesome.

  4. mmm - breakkie at your house looks good! Sorry though that your DH is ailing and hopefully he doesn't feel it's necessary to share with you (tank up on Vit. C and Oil of Oregano!!). As for books - I need to do the same and downsize a number that I no longer need. Hard to do though, because I'm quite attached to them!
