Saturday, February 4, 2023

At the ready...

Kitchen towels stored in the laundry room

Just for fun I tried the B&W filter in my photo app.  To be honest, I like both images, but for different reasons.  Interestingly, I notice things in the black and white picture I didn't notice in the color picture (until I saw it first in B&W).  For example, even in person, I'd never noticed before how some of the screws are covered with wooden covers, but most are not.  I wonder why that is, but mostly I wonder why I didn't notice before.


  1. That is interesting how we can notice things differently in the black and white vs color pictures. The pictures from my younger days are so much clearer in black and white. I suppose color film wasn't the greatest back then. You have reminded me just how ratty all my dishtowels are. Honestly...I need to go buy some new and move my current ones to the rag box:)

    1. I love nice dish towels. Most of these were picked up at Walmart years ago. They are a nice size and used to be decently priced. Wanting some more dark gray ones recently, I checked and they are pretty expensive anymore. I didn't buy any.

  2. If you are inclined (I wouldn't be) you can find those pegs in craft stores...Hobby Lobby and the like.

    This picture would look good framed for a laundry room. I don't think it would help mine in the dungeon, but I can dream.

    1. I considered buying some, Vee. I may or may not. Don't know how easy it would be to match the stain. Also... since I've just now noticed they're missing (if they were ever put on in the first place) if I didn't notice in all the times I'm in this room - the pantry is also in here, I'm thinking no one else will notice either.

  3. Your kitchen towels look nice and neat and ready for use.

    1. Mrs. White, I've written here before how much I like nice looking dish towels. It was kind of a thing with me for a while. Okay... it still is. :)

  4. I like both pictures, with the b and w winning out. Looks as if the wooden bits fell out over time.

  5. How interesting. I kind of favor the B&W. I need to ask. How often do you change your kitchen towels? They are so nicely stored too.

    1. Marsha, I keep a bunch of towels that are currently in use in a drawer in the kitchen. These towels are actually waiting for their time to be rotated into the kitchen. Sometimes I grab one (or a few) if I've used up what I keep in the kitchen (when I get a little behind on laundry). I change towels seasonally. Spring and summer will be when I put out some of the green ones, and for some reason that's when I like to use my "tea towels" more - probably because they're flowery and pretty.

  6. Lovely photos I like them both but black and white is always more atmospheric I think, I'm impressed with how tidy your shelves are, have a lovely Sunday. xx

    1. Thank you for mentioning this atmospheric quality of the photo, Linda It's giving me more things to think about. I asked some questions about this in the next post.

  7. I like the effect of the b&w photo and I think you're right - it does show up more details.

    1. Comparing the same picture in black and white vs color has raised some interesting questions in my mind in tomorrow's post.

  8. Sis, That would take me all day to fold like that. I guess I don't dare share my kitchen towel storage. That's what I notice.

    1. lol. I only fold what has come out of the dryer - so that's maybe 10 - 15 at a time. I don't know - I've never counted them when I do laundry. These pictured sit here until I'm ready to switch out my towels with a new season. That said, I do fold kitchen towels pretty tight and crisp, I guess. I probably shouldn't admit this, but I used to iron tea towels if they came out of the dryer with wavy or folded edges. That was before kids, fwiw. What can I say? I like cooking, I use towels a lot while I'm cooking, and I used to be a bit OCD about ironing wrinkly things. Having kids curbed that. A little bit.

  9. I love those shelves! I had something similar in my home when I was growing up. Although I know your point is to contrast the B&W and color photos, in this case I prefer the color because of the way it captures the deep tone and texture of the wood.

    1. That's what I like about the color picture too, Bob. And seeing the pretty colors in the towels. I like the B&W picture for the nostalgia vibe it gives off, and the color picture because it looks "alive".

  10. I love both photos-and especially love the care that you have taken with the folding. It's pretty.
