Today we woke up to a brand new winter wonderland. And the birds were excited by it all day.
Putting away blanket-weight yarn for a bit, I pulled out some crochet cotton for two new doilies - from the book, 99 Little Doilies...
Somehow, it escaped me that I had made #44 before, but interestingly, made in this peach ivory color, a new name emerged:
And because (I think) I'm working on a collection of little doilies made in the above Ivory Peach color, and a dark brown/gray color called Hawk, I quickly produced #54 below.
Photographed on a lighter background, I might have come up with a different name, but on this gray cloth, this doily is giving me garden/soil vibes.
Meet Cherozem
Cherozem (the doily) reminds me of the dark prairie soils in north west Indiana where Greg and I first lived (and planted our first garden). Greg was a soil scientist (who mapped the soils in that part of the state in the early '80's), and he tells me the name used for the soils there is Mollisols. It's rich and dark, and great for growing things. Cherozem is a word used for this soil in Russia and Ukraine, and maybe Canada? I think Cherozem is a prettier name than Mollisols, so Cherozem it is. The emphasis is on the first syllable in case you want to try to pronounce it.
And that's it for today's YOP post. If you're at all interested in YOPping, or just being part of a world-wide network of fiber crafters, you can check out the group on Ravelry by clicking the Year Of Projects graphic below. If you're not already a member of Ravelry, you'll have to create a free account to get any further than the home page.
Look at all those cardinals! I counted 14 males. There are probably that many females in the trees and on the feeders.