Sunday, August 25, 2024

Managing to crochet a little...

It has not been my intention to be so scarce here, but we've had some beautiful weather - perfect for working outdoors.  But as good as working in the garden and yard feel to me, it's also been exhausting. 

And then there were a lot of veggies needing picking at the same time. Preserving some of the harvest has also been tiring.  Satisfying, but tiring.

And somehow we've also been living life, coming and going, spending time with friends and family, physical therapy, fitting in a new exercise regimen, "fall activities" starting up. This past week, we celebrated our 44th Wedding Anniversary. 

I feel like I've got at least a half a dozen blog posts in me to write.  

In the evening, when work and play is done and I've been torn between sinking into the recliner or sitting at the computer to type a blog post, the recliner has won every time.

That said, I have crocheted a bit here and there, and managed to finish a larger doily I've dubbed Autumn Splendor: 

Crocheted with Curio #10 thread in the colorway Clementine

The pattern name is Summer Splendor, but for some reason I always seem to make this doily in autumn colors.  I've also apparently given away the others I've made, and I was wanting one for myself.

Also, a crocheted basket project has been calling out to me for a while, so I finally dug out some yarns and started making one.

This is the tutorial I'm (more or less) following:

I really like the handles shown above.  I'm hoping I have a leather belt or two hanging around - that I didn't donate in one my recent decluttering challenges.  

Here are the yarns I'm starting mine with:

It will be fun when I make color changes.  This is a great project for using up yarn scraps.  I have a feeling once I get one of these baskets under my belt, I may want to make more.  That said, this is not the easiest thing to crochet - I'm using 4 strands of worsted weight yarn together, and crocheting with an 8mm (or size L) hook.  With a bit of arthritis in my hands, I find stopping and stretching often a good thing to do.

Someone commented on the last post that the doilies I've been making lately have an autumnal feel to them.  That would be because I pulled out some autumn colored threads to work from:

I do the same with my "kitchen cotton" yarn.  I pull together yarns that evoke the season I'm in (or will soon be in).  Whether I knit or crochet anything with those yarns is only evident when the next season rolls around, but gathering certain yarns and threads in seasonal colors is a regular thing here.  

Some people decorate with the change of seasons; I gather yarn.

Do you do anything similar?


  1. Congratulations on your Anniversary! God bless.
    You have your priorities right, I think. The recliner or the computer. :)
    I love Autumn Splendor. If I had a place to put it, I would want to buy it.
    But sadly, I don't. Which is good since you need one. :)
    I love the colors of your baskets. They are very "fall". :)
    Glad you are doing well, Becki.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. What a lovely comment, Linda. Thank you so much. 💓

  2. Big Congratulations on 44 years! What beautiful doily yarns! I love those crocheted baskets. I'm sure they make wonderful gifts too.

    1. I was thinking the same thing, Maureen. I do wonder, though, how my hands are going to fare making just one of these. The designer makes the crocheting of many strands look so easy. ;^)

  3. Your doily is gorgeous. Crocheting basket is not for the faint of heart. I have made one and decided it was way to hard on my hands. As for choosing colors for projects, I always go towards bright jewel tones about 90% of the time. I like the fact you color coordinate to the seasons. Your garden has given you plenty of activity this year. Is the garden finished now or will you be doing more canning and freezing this week too?

    1. I'm canning tomatoes as I type this, Marsha. I expect one more canning session for tomatoes and one session canning banana peppers, then I'm likely done. I'll write more about all this in another post.

  4. Happy anniversary,. The yarns are lovely and autumnal, it’s never occurred to me to do that intentionally but I don’t think I own any autumnal colours in my stash anyway as I don’t suit yellows or oranges. I’m enjoying you doing it though. I’m glad your garden has been really productive. I’m still waiting for a tomato to ripen! Suspect it may be yet another year of making green tomato chutney but I keep holding out hope the sun will show up. Liz (Highlandheffalump)

    1. Liz, two years ago, I waited weeks for my tomatoes to ripen, but my problem was that it was too hot - for weeks on end. I had no idea extreme heat would prevent ripening. This year, any garden problems I had were likely due to too much rain at a crucial point. I've gotten a lot of tomatoes, but many were struck with some kind of blight - a fungus. I'll be better prepared if I plant tomatoes next year.

  5. Happy 44th Anniversary!
    Beautiful doily, the color is perfect anytime of year.

  6. What a beautiful doily. I hope you enjoyed a special day on your anniversary.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. It was a quiet celebration with just me and hubs at a steak house. And then we got free ice cream cones at DQ. :D

  7. Happy anniversary to you both! We celebrated ours last week too, 46 for us. (It is amazing how quickly it goes.)

    It is great that you are keeping up with your garden and harvesting. I am always impressed with gardeners! And still finding time for creative things like crocheting autumn doilies! ("Autumn Splendor" is a fine name, by the way.)

    1. Congrats to 46 years of marriage, Cheryl! I don't feel old enough to be married 44 years, and you and your hubby don't look old enough to be married for 46 years. Time flies!

  8. I don't collect yarn, but maybe I need to. I could just put all those fall colors in a basket and call it the fall decor. Probably a lot more fun than something bought at the latest big box store. I simply adore that doily. That color is beautiful. That basket will be super cute too. I have never been able to make those crochet or knitting needles to work for me. I think I am too uncoordinated, but I like the products so much. Maybe one day I will try and again.

    1. Thank you, Sandy. The doily has been sitting on a table in the sunroom since I took the picture. And the basket is turning out better than I even imagined. I'm actually ready to start basket #2! :)

  9. Happy Anniversary to you and your beloved! RC and I will be celebrating our 45th on Sunday...where did the years go.
    I love your Autumn doily - such a beautiful colour and a pretty pattern too.
    I know how you feel about working with thick yarns because I've been trying to do the same with an 8mm hook and it's murder on my hands. Funny that thick AND thin yarns aren't easy to work with anymore.

    1. Mary Anne, Congratulations to you and RC on your 45th anniversary! I do not understand how the years fly by and we have reached senior status. In my mind I just don't feel the age that I am.

  10. Haha I can't comment on your crocheting other than to say it is beautiful and I am in awe of your skill! But I did want to congratulate you on 44 years of marriage and tell you my better half and I just had our 40th and managed to get our adult children and their spouses with us to celebrate!

    1. That is great, Bob! Congratulations on 40 years, and thank you for your generous words about my crochet.
