Sunday, March 25, 2018

Spicier and Spicier...

Last week I mentioned that I was thinking of making a second Spicier Life blanket (alongside the first one), and I decided this week it was time to start it.

Here is Part 1 of my 2nd Spicier Life Blanket:
For this blanket I went with colors that are bright and fun, and hopefully it will be a blanket that makes its recipient smile.

Meanwhile, I also continue to work on my first Spicier Life blanket (which is done in more or less the same colors as the original Jaipur-inspired blanket):
I'm enjoying them both, but I enjoy them differently. 


I know friends on the east coast have taken a beating with snow this winter and I almost feel bad showing off our pretty (and hopefully last) snowfall of the season we got yesterday.  Do you see that tiny red spot just a little above the center of the picture below?  It's a cardinal that was competing with the finches at the bird feeders.  I didn't even see it when I was snapping the picture, and I was a little sad that it didn't come back before dark so I could try to get a better photo of it.

Anyway, it was a peaceful, heavy snowfall and I thought this young couple so cute, out taking their dog for a walk in the falling snow, I decided to snap their picture:


And today, the sky is (mostly) blue and I hear the drip drip of snow melting off the roof as I type.  It's in the high 40's and with tomorrow in the 50's and rain forecasted the rest of the week, there will soon be nothing left of this season's last winter wonderland.

At which time I'll be doing a jig because that will mean the magnolia tree blossoms (that appear to have survived the freezing temps and snow yesterday) will bloom, and other flowers will shortly follow.  Spring has nearly sprung, and like the rest of the country, I'm ready for it!!!

To see what other YOPpers are up to, visit our group on Ravelry.


  1. Your blankets are wonderful Becki! I especially love the colours of the new one you started, very happy colours! :) That is a great shot of the cardinal!! What luck! Ours never stick around long enough to get a good photo, they're very skittish! I do like the peaceful heavy long as they melt soon after lol...we're going to get more snow this week coming, but spring is definitely on its way! Nice photos today! :) Thanks for sharing!!!

    1. Yes - I think I scared the cardinal away and that's why it didn't return yesterday. Our snow is nearly all melted here already - just two days later. It's a glorious spring day today. Yay, spring!

  2. It's interesting to see the colourful blankets juxtaposed with the nearly monotone snow pictures..., I think you need the colour of your blankets, at least until the magnolia blossoms :)

    1. I didn't notice the interesting contrast between the colorful pictures and the snow pictures. Thanks for drawing my attention to that, Lynn.

  3. I think everybody is more than ready for spring this year! I love the bright colors of your blanket - it will definitely be fun to snuggle under.

  4. Loving those bright colors in the Spicier Life Blanket. They make you think of spring and summer.

    Your snowfall is very pretty. That cardinal really pops once you know he is there.

    Wish I could smell those magnolia blooms through the computer. I think they have a lovely aroma.

    1. I love the scent of magnolia blooms. My only regret is that they are too short lived. But spring is made more glorious by them - even if for just a week or two (it all depends on the weather).

  5. I love what you've hooked so far. How pretty that red bird looks against that back drop of snow.

  6. I have yet to make one but look at you making 2 of them! They are both pretty but I prefer yours in the more muted shades. They are both so nice though! Glad you are enjoying making them. Beautiful snow!

    1. Making 2 at a time is actually a great way to go (if one wants to make 2). As I make one I can see how colors lay together and it's easier to pick colors for the second one. I'm glad you like the more muted one. Those are actually the colors the designer picked out and I'm finding it feels less dynamic as I'm also working the brighter one. But hopefully when they are both done and looked at separately by me I will see that both are actually pretty dynamic when they're not being compared to each other. I am enjoying them. Blankets are my favorite things to make, I think.

  7. I love those blankets - either would put a smile on my face! The cardinal is a beautiful speck in the snow.

    1. I thought the same thing about the cardinal. It was a teeny tiny delight when I saw in the uploaded picture. :)

  8. Wow you are amazing at your knitting my friend!!!

    lots of snow in your area ,yes i was able to see the red tiny beauty in the white :)

    how sweet to take pets for walk in such weather!
    this is nice that snow is giving you break and spring is about to reach !
    again i LOVED your both blankets!
