Sunday, December 20, 2015

'Tis the Sunday before Christmas...

...and I am recovering from a procedure done on Friday to hopefully correct Iliac Vein Compression Sydrome, in my left leg.  I was told I could resume normal activity the next day, but the next day (yesterday) I was in so much back pain there was no way my day was going to be anything close to normal.  I was given Hydrocodone for pain management, but I tried to go through the daylight hours on Saturday without taking anything, and by evening I was regretting that choice.

My husband and two of our sons, and our middle son's girlfriend attended a nephew's wedding in the afternoon.  I regret having to miss it, but I was pretty sure when I saw that my surgery date was the day before the wedding I'd not likely feel up to partying.  And I was not.

My oldest son came by in the late afternoon with some Chinese take-out for supper.  Shortly after that the rest of the family came home from the wedding and youngest son, oldest son, and I played some rounds of Love Letters (a new game to me).  As much as I enjoyed playing this card game, I was hurting so much I welcomed the sleepy-making hydrocodone to overcome and cause the pain to fade away for another night.

How again, you may be asking, is this a Year of Projects posts?  Well, life happens to us all, and being distracted last week as I anticipated this procedure, and with whatever it was I was doing for Christmas, I don't think I've worked on any crocheting since my post last Sunday.  But with all that behind me, hopefully I can finish a couple of Christmas gifts here in what I'm feeling like is now the 11th hour.

I did acquire some new yarn this week (actually two orders, some heathered Willow Wash from Willow Yarns, and some Stylecraft and James Brett Cotton On from Deramores).  Though most of it can't been seen, here's a picture of it all waiting to be entered into my Ravelry stash.  You can see the Willow Wash in Mulberry Heather on top that I'm hoping is enough to complete my Christmas gift projects.  Next Sunday, hopefully I'll have pictures of two finished projects.

I don't think I've ever before wanted so badly to get Christmas behind me and to be starting a new year.  I haven't written anything here about the leg discomfort I've been having, but I've been struggling with Iliac Vein Compression Syndrome (aka May Thurner Syndrome) since late summer.  And that is following two surgeries my husband had earlier in the summer, which followed an attack of vertigo I had in the dentist's chair this past spring when I was having a tooth prepped for a crown, followed by oral surgery for an infection in an old root canal, followed by a new root canal for the tooth that had been prepped for a crown.  Oh, and I almost forgot, one of our sons broke his hand in the late winter when he slipped getting out of his car and fell on the ice.  And another son recently had a health concern that sent us to the ER with him on a Sunday afternoon (thankfully that ended up not being too terribly serious, but it was another momentous medical encounter).  Whew!  On the outside I'm sure we've looked perfectly normal (and for the most part, we have been), but behind the scenes we we've been a non-stop medical variety show.

As we approach the celebration of the birth of our Savior, I'm feeling so very thankful.  Thankful for a faith that informs me that our existence and purpose is about so much more than this life here in these failing bodies, but while we're here, I'm also thankful for modern medicine and looking with great hope to new beginnings in 2016  :^)

A Merry Christmas to all!


  1. Oh my, poor thing, what a year! I hope that after the initial pain, you are now starting to feel much better and will be able to enjoy the holiday. Maybe you will be able to manage some crochet now and that yarn looks fabulous!

  2. That's tough on you all and it's a strain and whether its to do with YOP or not it's good to talk and let it out. I wish you the most healthiest and happiest of new years to you all. I hope your feeling better enough this week to take it easy and start crocheting again because it looks like you might have lots to crochet with all that new stash :)

  3. The pain sounds excruciating, I'm wishing you a quick recovery.
