Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Making space - week 5

Continuing on my decluttering mission, I headed into the deep recesses of the china cabinet.  Doing just a cursory search through there, I was able to easily make the decision to get rid of 4 old cloth napkins that had been used once upon a time for bread basket liners, but time has caused the stains (butter, no doubt) to be too obvious to use anymore.  Also leaving are 8 different votive holders I haven't used in years, 4 old tapers, a pottery creamer that I don't care for, a pottery oil lamp that is pretty, but I just can't find a place where it looks good (and our battery-operated lanterns are much more practical if we have a power outage), a little souvenir toothpick holder, and two Christmas candle holders that are kind of awkward to use - so they were usually passed over.

The fake flower/greenery declutter is a result of getting a new land-line phone system and having to move a small flower arrangement that hid the cord on the old phone.  Realizing I was glad for an excuse to get rid of those, I looked in a couple of drawers where I had tucked some other fake greenery and decided it was time for more of it to go.  I found 7 separate pieces I was happy to part with.  Don't worry...  I have more.  I'm in no danger of finding myself needing fake greenery or flowers and being up a creek without.  

Wow.  The number of things outta here are accumulating fast.  

Week 5:  118 things gone


If you'd like to join in a low-key decluttering activity that fits with the pace of life, see my post explaining this Making Space endeavor.  Check out the bottom of same link for graphics you can feel free to use.


  1. I always enjoy seeing and reading your decluttering posts - great fun! My efforts aren't quite as intensive as yours but after I did the big clearout in January (was it January?) it's harder to find stuff I really need/want to part with. It's there, I just have to dig a little deeper!

    1. This really doesn't feel intensive. In fact, I was just thinking I'm holding back a bit on searching out stuff. :)

  2. Those are all things that someone will love at Goodwill. My mother is trying to get me to take about 5 extra tablecloths. I keep telling her I have 5 that need to leave my house as well:) She can NOT donate it. I will have to take it from her and carry it myself. Woe!

    1. I have too many tablecloths. And I don't think I've bought a single one - I have a few oldies from my childhood (which I love), and my MIL often gave new tables cloths as gifts. Thank you for the reminder to search through that stash.

  3. I just realized that watching you declutter gives us a little insight into your life. Why is it our China cabinets seem to hide so many treasures that others will love.that pottery creamer is very cute. I am so glad we do not live close to each other. I would be grabbing a few of those items lol.

    1. Isn't that true. I feel the same about everyone else who's decluttering. You know, it's funny about the china cabinet. Back in October I passed over these things, thinking I wasn't ready to get rid of them. This month I looked at them and I was like, "This can go. This can go. This too! Anything else?" It's very interesting how the mind begins to change as one goes through this decluttering process.

  4. My acquisitive gene wakes up when I see pottery of any kind. Good thing I'm far away.

  5. I think it is amazing how quickly we forget all about the things that get the boot! Very rarely have I gotten rid of something and then wished I had it back.

    1. So far, that's been the case with me. I feel mostly relief once I've removed a thing, and later rarely give it another thought.

  6. Good for you! I'm inspired to take another look at my own china cabinet.
