Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thanksgiving feast reimagined...

I hope all you living in the States had a very nice Thanksgiving.   We had a small, but happy gathering with our sons and middle son's girlfriend on Thursday.  We've forgone the traditional turkey meal for I don't even know how long now, and this year settled on the idea of having a Taco Bar.  It was so much fun with everyone in the kitchen at one point helping to pull the various components together for our meal of make your own tacos.

As is usual when we have family get togethers, we played some games.  My favorite games are ones that get people to talking - especially if people start talking about themselves, or about memories that come up during the game.  And of course, laughter is a must - so nothing too serious, or too long or complicated for that matter.  Before we ate, we played A Fake Artist Goes to New York.  A long, goofy name for a very simple and funny game.  And after our tacos, we played So Clover!  Why oh why do I not think in the moment, to snap some pictures?   Here are links to explanations of 
So Clover! and A Fake Artist Goes to New York if you're curious about them.  

It was a good Thanksgiving Day.  Over too soon, but that always seems to be the way it is anymore.  I feel it more keenly the older I get.

Below is a picture of my dad (in 1986).  His tradition was to cook the Thanksgiving and Christmas turkey every year.  I suppose we all pitched in once we were older, but since I was a little girl until she couldn't do it anymore, I remember Mom made traditional hearty sides including oyster dressing at Thanksgiving.  That dressing was my favorite part of our Thanksgiving feast.

Though we did all look forward to the turkey 
that Dad roasted and basted to perfection.  

There is something to be said for keeping to traditions.


On the crafting front, I recently finished the Sweet As Can Bee blanket I started a few weeks ago.  It's a nice midweight afghan, perfect for slightly chilly evenings, and it puts a fun pop of autumn color in the living room for this time of year.  I'm so glad I finally made it:

And now I'm on to decorating the Christmas tree, 
and starting a new crochet project!   



  1. Wow. What a wonderful blanket!
    We stopped doing turkey a while ago also. Used to go to a family cafeteria style restaurant in town, but they closed a bit ago so we couldn't this year.
    So we had roasted chicken. Family favorite! And God blessed our meal, so we are happy. :)
    You all be safe, Becki and God bless.

    1. Linda, it's fun reading other's non-traditional traditions for holiday celebrations. A restaurant meal sounds great, and a roasted chicken stand-in sounds delicious.

  2. Such wonderful memories. I like hearing about others traditions old and new. I too, forgot to take pictures of our gathering. I was too busy enjoying the love and warmth of family.

    1. You know, Marsha, when I realize I forgot to take pictures, I remind myself that I fully experienced it. I know experiencing something is so much more important, in the end, than documenting it. Even if I do feel disappointed I forgot to snap a few pictures...

  3. Your father has a beautiful smile.
    The afgan is gorgeous. Nice work there.
    A taco bar instead of turkey is a great idea! I love that. I'd much rather have tacos than turkey.

    1. I actually bought a small turkey because they are such a good price, and hubs and I enjoyed that a few days before Thanksgiving. And I froze leftovers, and made bone broth with the carcass. Now I'm looking forward to making some white chili from the tastey leftovers. ๐Ÿ˜‹

  4. Your celebration sounds like so much fun! I have a few family members who would probably go for the taco bar rather than the turkey dinner, but we always have the traditional meal. I did add macaroni and cheese a few years ago to please the non-turkey-loving folks. I love that you play games at your celebrations! Must check out those two because they're both new to me.

    1. Cheryl, I really do think there's value in continuing a tradition. Nothing is going to suit everyone, but the tradition itself will solidify good memories.

  5. Hello, my friend. I love your Thanksgiving! Family, food and fun. What could be better?! I loved seeing your father back in the day. Aren't memories the best?? Beautiful afgan. Beautiful! Have a cozy afternoon!

    1. Thank you, Billie Jo. Yes, good family memories are a treasure. ๐Ÿงก

  6. Such a nice post! I love the picture of your dad- he looks so happy. Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful with all the laughter and good food.

    1. Dad rose very early and happily threw himself into making those holiday turkeys. It was a great pleasure for him, I'm sure.

  7. Becki your blanket is gorgeous! Taco bar! Love it!

  8. The blanket is truly beautiful. I love the color and the pattern. I also love the fact that y'all don't do the "traditional" meal. You have made your own traditions. I don't like turkey so my tradition is to have a little of all the sides. We love to play games here, so I will have to check those out.

    1. Oh my goodness, Sandy... aren't the sides the best part of Thanksgiving meals! When we've done a different main dish (than turkey), our sons will often volunteer to bring a traditional side they enjoy.

  9. What a lot of joy so glad especially after such a hard time you have endured

    1. It's interesting now that I'm feeling so much better, the "hard time" is starting to fade in my mind already. That feels like a gift.

  10. I'm so impressed with your blanket and love the honey comb pattern. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  11. Your afghan is really pretty! I’m very curious about the games, as I’ve never heard of either one! Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family! I do hope you had some pumpkin pie?! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  12. I've never heard of either of those games, but that's likely because we're not game players. Being an only child I didn't grow up playing them. RC is one of nine and of course they played, but mainly things like Monopololy and euchre.
    Pretty blanket - I like the design.

    1. Mary Anne, the number of games available to play today is a bit mind numbing. I don't remember playing games much with my childhood family. Seems like we siblings played Monopoly and the older ones typically won. Hub and I became game players as young adults, and in today's gaming culture our sons have so much opportunity and inclination to play games, they are continually introducing us to new ones.
