Friday, December 1, 2023

Goodbye November...

Yesterday, the last day of November, Greg announced all the outside work was basically done and now he can enjoy winter.  😊

In November, the rogue Mulberry tree came completely down and we hired a tree removal company to take the stump all the way to the ground and grind it up.   The shrubs it was growing amongst will look so much better next summer.

Greg spent a number of autumn afternoons riding the lawn mower pulling a leaf sweep to clean up the brown leaves that took their time falling all month long.  And yesterday cleaned the last of the leaves out of the gutters.

The leaves and sheared pampas grass had their final burn on the last day of November.

As for my contribution this autumn... 

I covered the asparagus patch with the piddly little amount of leaf mold my compost bin produced, then I added new leaves to the compost bins.  Hopefully with a second bin, we'll have a bit more leaf mold next year.  Looking at the picture, I wish I'd collected more leaves, though...

I didn't have it in me to do any serious cleaning up of the strawberry bed, so I just covered it with straw for the winter this past week, and plan to neaten things up before the strawberry plants start blooming next spring.

As I was preparing to spread leaf mold on the asparagus patch, I found a couple of tiny asparagus spears growing.  I don't know if this is normal, but I was not expecting to find a tender young plant trying to get a start so late in the year.

That pretty much wraps up the garden and yard work for another year.  Last spring, I planted some things in the garden - mostly flowers, but also a few vegetables.  It turned out with surgery in June to heal from, I couldn't really tend it.  I didn't expect it to take so long to heal.  I don't regret the hard work in May, though.  Time spent tilling and planting was a welcome distraction from what was ahead for me the next 5 months.  Greg must have sensed this over the summer as we sat out back on cool evenings looking at a barren garden.  He never complained or suggested that the effort in May was wasted.  I was thankful for what was never said - it felt wonderfully generous. 

I'm looking forward to next spring and, hopefully, feeling up to putting in a garden again.  Another spring, another chance to grow things...



  1. Something to look forward to and dream about this winter while you continue to build strength. Gardening is not an easy hobby, but a rewarding one.

    1. It is rewarding, Sandy. I find even the physical work satisfying - when I'm up to it.

  2. I pray for you often. Gardening is good for the soul and the body!

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Debra. I am doing well at this point. Needing to build up some muscle strength, but overall I feel good now.

  3. Becki, that is the most End of Autumn set of pictures I have seen yet. Thank you.

    1. TB, I have the sense that you're teasing. ;^) Since I haven't been in here all that much this year - autumn included, I had to give some kind of account of the good things going on here, too. :D

  4. Hello! Yes, you are all ready to snuggle in for a bit. I just realized it is December and we never put our deck furniture away!

    1. Billie Jo, if your weather is anything like Indiana's, you may find yourself wanting to sit on that deck furniture sometime in January or February. :D

  5. Planning for a new garden in the spring can be fun. I always loved when the seed catalogues starting coming in because it was fun to dream about what could be.

    1. I've gotten some seed catalogs already and I'm holding off until after Christmas to start looking at them. Can't wait!
