Sunday, December 22, 2019


Last week I left off with the question:  Do I finish something I've already started, or start something new and shiny?

Well, being the week before Christmas I found myself so distracted by goings-on and plan-making that I realized starting something new just felt like another distraction.  Soooo...  I pulled out a little sweater I had started back in April and started crocheting on it again.  And making lots of new ends...

It's amazing how just taking that first step of starting again can be all it takes to finish a thing.  Especially a little thing.  Okay... it's not quite finished, but it's so close!  I even have buttons to sew on it!  That's commitment.  I'm pretty sure it will be finished and ready to show next week.  

How's that for anticlimactic?  Check back in next weekend to (hopefully) see the finished item.  

I wish you all a blessed and merry Christmas, and leave you a song below.  

A couple of years ago, after hearing a young man who'd been rescued from drug addiction sing this song with all his heart, it has become, quite possibly, my favorite Christmas song - a modern version of I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day (or simply Christmas Bells as written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow):

To be honest, the young man, with rough voice and no orchestra and "angel choir" accompanying him, who'd both lost so much and gained so much in his young life, sang it even more beautifully and convincingly.   I'm still moved remembering him singing this song.

John 16:33 - [Jesus speaking]  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."

Peace to you, friend.


  1. Well gee....leaving us hanging on the sweater for another week. Glad you are enjoying working in it. Have a blessed Christmas.

  2. Oooh buttons! :) Becki, I hope you have a lovely and Merry Christmas! xx

  3. Hurry up, please, I want to see the finished sweater. LOL. I admire your discipline, I gave in and started yet another project. At least it's a crochet blanket this time, not another knitting project. Have a wonderful time with your family, and take care.

  4. What a cute sweater! Is that a child's sweater? Good for you. finishing something. Love the deep purple color. The music made me cry but it seems everything does now a days. It was beautiful, thank you. I wish you and your family a blessed holiday season.

  5. I sit here, with tears, after listening to that incredible song. I haven't heard that version before and I love it. Thank you Becki for sharing it. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  6. Good for you on the sweater. I always find it hard to pick up a long neglected project just trying to figure out where I am! And buttons too. Finding the perfect buttons is a trial for me (my button jar gets dumped all over the coffee table and then I still end up going out to buy some).

  7. He little sweater is going to be delightful. I hope you have had a lovely Christmas.

  8. You are so good about finishing projects. I need to get knitting again. I want to be done w/my WIPs.
