Sunday, July 28, 2024

Color play...

There wasn't much time last week devoted to crocheting, but I did manage to finish one more of 99 Little Doilies (from the book of the same name).

This is Doily #93:

Or, as I fancy it...  "Not My First Rodeo"

Get it?  it reminded me of a spur wheel... spurs made me think of horses, and horses made me think of rodeos...  and then I just brought it on home...  I know...  I know...  Just like a joke - it's never as good when someone explains it.

I'll try not to do that so much with future doilies that I name (unless someone asks me how I came up with a particular name). Somehow, I don't see anyone else as invested in naming these as I am, though...

Anyway, I discovered something when I was crocheting this little doily - done with Curio #10 thread in the colorway, Conch.  Placed against the doily I had earlier made with the color, Ivory Peach, I suddenly realized I liked the Ivory Peach color much better.  

And I really like both of these colors together on this medium gray table cloth.

And that got my wheels to turning...   If I mount anything made in the Ivory Peach, a cool gray background will help it to pop.  

And...  I began to imagine a number of different doilies made with these two colors, laid together, serving as something of a centerpiece on the dining room table when this gray table cloth is in use.

I don't know if I'll see that last idea through, but I do think I'll at least make another, maybe larger, doily in Ivory Peach before giving up on the color in a crocheted project.  It definitely needs something darker and, I think, cooler to cancel out what I was seeing as a slight yellow tone that had me not liking it so much originally.

I don't know why, after all this time, I am often amazed when I accidentally notice colors playing together in my crochet work.  Alone, some colors don't seem like much, but combined with just the right shade or tone of another color, and suddenly lights are blinking and bells are ringing.

That's how my crafting seems to roll. I can try hard to put colors together in a pleasing combination, but most of my successes seem to be happy accidents.  

Which is fine by me, I guess.

I'll take successes however they come.


  1. "Not My First Rodeo" is obvious that it is not ..... you do exemplary crochet. And I really like the color, too!

  2. I love how your brain works. In both the naming of your doily and in color play. Those 3 colors together really do work well together.

    1. Marsha, I'm so glad someone appreciates how the gears turn in my noggin'. :D

  3. I enjoyed your naming story. I'm always amazed at the beauty of your dollies.

  4. I really enjoy hearing why and how crafters name their projects. I put thought into naming my projects and my names often make me giggle. Your crochet is stunning!

    1. Thank you, Ruth. You have me rethinking the thought that my naming explaining is possibly boring to others. I'm glad you enjoy it.

  5. Lovely piece, Becki.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  6. That's lovely work, and the musing about colors together is spot on.

    1. I hoped you comment on this, Boud. I'm not super savvy with color theory, but your comment makes me not question myself on this one.

  7. I do like that color combination, Becki. I am terrible with such things.

    1. Thanks, TB. I wish color combinations were more intuitive to me. It would save me so much time...

  8. Oh don't stop - I enjoy hearing how you come up with your own names for your doily creations. That's part of the fun. And I did see the spur right away in this pattern. "Not My First Rodeo" is spot on. :) Happy week ahead, Becki!

    1. Thank you, Brenda! OK! I'll keep the naming game a regular feature of these little unnamed doilies. Thank you for that feedback. :)

  9. So beautiful.

  10. I do love a "happy accident!" And you do learn from them!

    1. I think I learn most from accidents, Cheryl. ;^)

  11. I just commented on your corn post and forgot to sign I realised, it’s Liz (Highlandheffalump). I think the darker colour enhances the lighter one. On its own it’s quite subtle but together with the grey they tone so nicely together.

    1. Thanks, Liz. That's what I found. Until I put the darker doily up to the lighter doily, the only other color I could find that worked well with it was the darkish brown leather of one of our recliners. It was a total accident that these two colors connected with each other, and I don't know what made me think to place them on the gray (the cloth was folded up in a drawer), but I'm so happy I did.

  12. They are gorgeous and they both look great on the grey.
