Saturday, January 6, 2024

A goal for the new year...

A new year seems to inspire many of us to at least contemplate starting to clean up, clear out, and think about things we hope to accomplish over the next twelve months.  

I am no different.  Sometime last fall, I dug through my yarn stash so I could start crocheting my gold colored Sweet As Can Bee blanket.  When I was getting the yarn out for that project, I was sobered by the realization that I had barely touched my yarn since getting it put away here in our present house - maybe a year and a half ago.  There were good reasons since moving why I wasn't up to crocheting and I have no interest in going over things that kept me from crafting the last two years, but going into the closet where my yarn and other craft materials are stored was pretty pivotal to me.  It got me to thinking again about culling through my current craft supplies and maybe start reconsidering some of the crafts I've collected stuff for, and maybe sharing the craft-love by donating some things.

While I have a couple of shelves and small drawers in the room outside this closet, the majority of my actual craft supplies is housed in this closet:

On the right side of the closet is all of my yarn.  Well, most of it, anyway.  I know...  it's a crazy amount.  But it was accumulated over a number of years when I was crocheting a LOT.  At the time is seemed completely reasonable to think I could use the yarn - every time I found yarn on sale and had the thought I should get more for another project.  It always starts innocently...

I'm not so sure anymore that I'm ever going to be able to use all this yarn, and having a talk with myself I came up with an idea.  I have a mind, that by the end of 2024, to only own as much yarn as will fit in about two thirds of these large plastic tubs that presently contain all most my yarn.   

If that doesn't seem ambitious enough, well...  that's all I have the oomph for - for now.   A year at a time seems like a good idea to me right now. 

And coming around front and center, we see more crafty stuff along the back wall and on shelves above.  This is most of my embroidery and cross stitch supplies, but also a multitude of miscellaneous stuff that is used for various crafts.  Some interfacing, some batting. Buttons.  Ribbons.  Laces.  Other stuff - probably half of it inherited one way or another.  And on the floor are some tote bags with more yarn, and more miscellaneous.  

My goal is to eventually not own anymore miscellaneous stuff.  For me, "miscellaneous" is the death of organization, and using things productively.

Now, if you've been around here during my decluttering challenges in years past, you may remember me referring to Dana White and her "container concept" before.  I have found this concept to be the most compelling idea for finding the will and clarity for letting go of things.  To save you time looking her up, below is a video from a couple of years ago where she discusses the container principle:

Oooh...  And below is an updated video on this concept she just posted a couple of days ago:

You're welcome!

This year-long whittling down project isn't going to be documented here on any kind of regular basis.  I hope it goes on quietly and consistently in the background, and while I'll show my makes here, maybe by summertime I'll have something to show as progress in the closet. 

Meanwhile, in an effort to use up some yarn relatively quickly, I've pulled together some collections of yarns to make some baby/child-size blankets.  A friend asked me if I'd like to join her in making some baby blankets for donating to a crisis pregnancy center.   She offered me yarn.  LOL!   I told her I'd love to join in, but only if I can use my own yarn.  This is the first collection of colors I pulled together:

To be honest, I wasn't sure about this combination of pastels and brights, but I'm finding myself pleasantly surprised by how well they all play together.  Check back soon for the finished project!


  1. That's a lot of supplies. Also a very organized closet. Maybe you're up for a bit of decluttering at a time, just a bit? Meanwhile that color combo is different and interesting, yes. I'd like to see as it progresses.

    1. It is too many supplies for the motivation I seem to have anymore. The yarn is all my own doing, but some of the other things I inherited from my MIL when she passed in 2020. She was a quilter, and sewer of many things. Even after a grandaughter-in-law took some things, and then giving away more than half of what was left, I still have two totes of (mostly cotton) fabric, and a bit of batting for some quilted project(s) I fancy making someday.

  2. I keep adding to my yarn stash too and have to give myself a stern talking to and not bring in any more because....wait for it.....the containers I have are full to overflowing. Dana White is wonderful and I'm trying very hard to follow her container principle. I suppose I *could* just buy bigger containers (hah hah)!!

    1. Since all my yarn isn't in my "yarn containers", and I'm wanting to whittle down my containers, I'm thinking this is going to be a dramatic change if I actually accomplish my goal in this year.

  3. Have you determined how you are going to pass them along? Perhaps your friend knows people who would love to have what you decide you can get rid of? :)
    You are very well organized, Becki. Good luck with your cutting back. :)
    Be safe and God bless.

    1. Thank you, Linda. I'll probably just figure out where to rehome crafting stuff as I go. In the past, that's how I've done it, and it gets spread out to people who seem to be happy to get it. I'll for sure ask my crocheting friend if she's interested in any yarn I want to rehome. :)

  4. Yes go for it I love those colours we need cheering up at this time of the year and bright colours will help. Believe me you are not alone, it seems like a lot because you have it in one place, mine is stuffed (literally) all over the house and garage, I must do something about it because I will never use up all the yarn and craft supplies I have in this life time. I will watch the videos and hopefully they will give me some motivation to start. Have a great Sunday, xx

    1. I think those colors turned out making a fun blanket. I'll be showing it here soon! Before I organized my yarn (in the house we lived in prior to this one), I tended to stash my yarn in various places. But we had three sons living in our house at the time, and I could only find so much extra space to store it. I stored some in suitcases under the bed, the rest was pretty much in my closet. I had quite a bit less then, but that's when my yarn collection began.

  5. That is a great goal, Becki.

    Every year our house goes through a 31 day reduction challenge (or at least, others do; I am on the fringes), where you start by removing one thing on day one, two things on day two, etc. until one gets to 31 days on day 31. I do not know that we really "reduce" anything, as we always still seem to have a great deal. But tracking it on a sheet does look impressive.

    1. Yes! I did the 30 Day Minimalism challenge at least twice, TB. There is a link in my sidebar showing my progress at least one of those times. It's a clever idea and is a great way to get rid of some stuff fast, and I found it super motivating to keep going - not at the same rate, but in the same spirit.

  6. Thank you for the videos. I remember decluttering with you. It was so awesome. I still have much more to do but, my craftroom and guestrooms have not become storage areas anymore. Since the declutter, they have remained 'safe" places and only house what was left in them. I know you worked hard on getting your home ready to sell. That type of decluttering has got to be the hardest to do. Now as for that baby blanket, those colors are wonderful together. Do you use a certain pattern or just wing it? How nice you are starting to get a little motivation back. Crocheting is so soothing with its rythmatic flow.

    1. I really need to work on our office - which is mostly a repository of my paper crafting stuff and art supplies - I guess I didn't disclose above that I have too much of that kind of thing, too. lol

  7. De-cluttering, or in my case, serious purging, is a good idea for so many reasons. You've covered the topic well with this post. I hope it goes well for you.

    1. Yeah, decluttering really isn't the right word. My stuff isn't exactly cluttering the place. It's just more than is really helpful to have. Boud, above, uses the word, winnowing. That's a much better word. Maybe I can come up with a better word, too.

  8. Happy New Year, Becki! I love the idea of organizing and de-cluttering, and every once in a while I'll even execute on it! You have definitely inspired me.

    1. Well, that's cool, Bob. I'm glad showing my massive yarn collection, and closet of craft supplies has had a positive impact.

  9. I like the bright colors of the yarn together! Great goals for 2024 to continue your decluttering. I am sorely in need of starting that too!

    1. Rain, the colors ended up looking great together, I think. I'll post a picture soon.

  10. I love the colors you chose for the baby blanket! And how I wish my craft closet looked like yours! That said, I admire you for reevaluating the craft supplies and considering downsizing them. I need to do the same!

    1. Thank you, Mrs. T. While I think I'll be glad if I do it, getting rid of things like craft supplies feels like a really hard thing.

  11. At least you're organized! Thanks for sharing the videos with Dana. I think you shared The Minimal Mom here a few months ago. She's inspired me to take baby steps towards less. I lok forward to seeing your yarn turned into a blanket!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I'll be posting a picture soon. :)
