Saturday, January 27, 2024

What do you enjoy listening to?

A lot of people crochet and knit while they watch TV.  I try to, but since I take my glasses off when I do handwork, and I need my glasses for TV viewing, I either end up doing a lot of frogging, or rewinding.  Actually, to be perfectly honest, I do a fair amount of both those things and it's often less than satisfying.

My happiest arrangement is to watch/listen to YouTube videos on my phone while my hands are busy with something else - especially if my brain doesn't need to be deeply concentrating on what my hands are engaged in.  The types of YouTube videos I watch rarely need me to pay close attention to a screen.  I also listen to Spotify sometimes, and more rarely, I listen to a recorded book while doing my handcrafts - rarely only because I have trouble concentrating on someone reading aloud.

Recently, I have rediscovered two of my favorite podcasts from the not-too-long-ago past now on Spotify (and other platforms).

I was pretty hooked on Darkhorse Podcast from its inception, but once COVID hit, and it soon became evident the news media were doing their best to keep us frightened and ignorant, I found Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying a breath of fresh air.  The insights, that come from their professional backgrounds as biology professors, who also have real world experience, were (and I'm sure still are) an exercise in thinking logically.  Never downplaying the seriousness of COVID, they pointed out many of the things that didn't make sense in how it was being handled.  For those of us who were nearly driven crazy by the blatant censorship of information during the most worrisome years of COVID, I found their podcasts to be a dose of sanity.  Instead of fear mongering, they applied their intellects to the situation, and while they certainly didn't always have answers, they had logical responses.  All that said, they are two very long-winded and heady individuals.  While I love that up to a point, even I can only take so much.  In time I watched them less and less, probably as COVID became less and less scary (thanks to their insight, if I'm honest), hence now I'm re-discovering them.  I see they've moved on from COVID, and appear to be applying their intellects to various topics that I imagine are interesting to a wide audience.  Not everyone will like everything, but there's probably something in their catalog of videos that will interest nearly everyone.

A few years ago a fellow blogger made mention of SmartHerNews, and when I checked her out I was truly impressed at the non-biased news reporting Jenna Lee does.  I don't know Jenna Lee's story well, but she says she left traditional news media (at the time, she was with Fox), so that she could cover the news from as unbiased a position as possible.  She was among the first people (even before mainstream media) who had contact with a journalist on the ground in Afghanistan right in the middle of the evacuation in 2021.  I have not been disappointed in her or her interviewees.  I only wish she produced more content.  I was just wondering where she was, and why I hadn't heard from her in a while, when an email today pointed me to her podcasts on Scoop and Spotify.  Jenna Lee is actually the inspiration for this post.

I look forward to getting my fill again of these podcasters while I crochet, knit and stitch.

And now, to finally share my latest finished crochet project.

You may remember seeing this some posts back:

It has turned into this:

This pattern is, no doubt, available free somewhere by another name, but I used The Bertie Blanket pattern, and I have to say it is a fun stitch to do.  I've made it differently in the past, and I can imagine a number of possibilities using this pattern with scrap yarn.   I don't remember if the border I made is the same as the pattern's, but in case you're curious, the final round of the border is the crab stitch - it's single crochet stitched backwards.  It always sounds impossible to do when I haven't done it in a while, but it's actually super easy, and makes for a nice, understated edge.

Soon, I'll have another blanket to show.  I just need a sunshiny day to get some good natural light inside to photograph with.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Beautiful blanket.
    Wonderful post.
    I've heard fo Weinstein. I will give the podcast a look see.
    I listen to YouTube podcasts about mental health, soldier experiences especially. I think they more than the general public, have seen horrible things that are more difficult to deal with than the PTSD most of us have to struggle with. I have to say, after a month or so, I feel that I'm am benefiting from the experience.

    1. Thank you, May. Those sound like interesting and worthwhile podcasts to watch and listen to.

  2. I have never really tried podcasts. So many of my fiber loving friends are very much into them. I do like to watch cooking YouTube videos. Otherwise, I am one of the people that watch TV and knit or crochet. I need glasses for close up and mid rangebTV viewing so my glasses work perfect for both. That blanket is gorgeous! I am going to try making a lapghan with that stitch for our prayer shawl mministry. We send those to men undergoing cancer treatments. Jave a blessed day!

    1. Thank you for the kind comment on the blanket, Marsha. In more subdued colors, that pattern would make a great lapghan for a gentleman in cancer treatment.

  3. I agree. A gorgeous blanket!
    I've not tried podcasts either. Or Spotify, to my knowledge.
    And while I don't knit, when I want to just listen to something, I find something Easy Listening, without words. Instrumentals. Piano music. Jazz. Cozy Coffee Shop and Jazz Café Ambience on YouTube come to mind. Also another I just found. Open Road Folk Music. :)
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. Linda, I just went on a 15 minute detour with the Open Road Folk Music channel. :)

  4. I sometimes listen to a book while I'm crafting but I always find it difficult to find a voice I'm comfortable listening to or can even hear properly because of my hearing impairment. The pattern has to be very simple and repetitive if I crochet while watching TV. Your blanket is beautiful so bright and cheerful. I love crab stitch and use it to finish off nearly all of my blankets. xx

    1. Linda, I don't think about the voice of the reader, usually, unless it's especially annoying to me, but readers' voices can make such a difference in the enjoyment factor of listing to a recorded book. I think the crab stitch is way under utilized. It makes a perfect edging to pretty much any blanket.

  5. Interesting post, as always, Becki. I turned off my cable tv 3 years ago, and I watch / listen to YouTube. Right now as I work I have one of the jazz scenes playing on the big screen tv for ambiance and chill. Since I started my $15 a month YouTube subscription (no commercial breaks), I have trouble listening to Audible books also. The podcasts is an interesting idea although perhaps most of them have YouTube channels now? Have a nice Sunday, Sis! Sherri

    1. Hi Sherri! More and more I hear people subscribing to YouTube Premium. The podcaster's mentioned above do each have a YouTube channel (that is where I first discovered them), but they have also branched out to other platforms. Reasons for using additional platforms are probably as varied as the number of different platforms that exist. I enjoy Spotify - for as much as I use it. I think the reason I lost track of Jena Lee was that YouTube's algorithm stopped putting her podcast in my feed.

  6. Your finished crochet project is FABULOUS!!!! It turned out so well and the colors are great!

    As for what do I like to listen to: piano music, praise music in particular.

    1. Barbara, yours and other posts here make me think I really should try listening to music while doing handcrafts. I might find it very peaceful.

  7. Your blanket is lovely and the colors are so cheerful!
    I mostly listen to music, which I have done all of my life! I have difficulty leaning by listening as I am a visual learner, but I have found a few podcasts that I can listen to IF I am doing something else.
    ~ Cheryl

    1. Ok, Cheryl, I'm convinced. The next time I'm crocheting, it's music for me. I'm at least going to try it. I have a feeling listening to music when I crochet at night might get me nice and ready for sleep.

  8. What a lovely blanket, the colours are so suited and yet not made up don't look like that at all . I shall certainly look up that crab stitch I'd never heard of it, but a lovely tidy border.

    1. Thank you, Chris. I came up with the colors by accident as I crocheted the first repeat of colors. I kept trying different combinations until I settled on this. I think the blue surprised me most, but now that it's finished I can't imagine the other colors together without it. :)

  9. My goodness! Your blanket is beautiful!!!!!! How I wish I could do that! Beautiful!

  10. The blankets are beautiful. Oh the things I listen to... I love Smarther News - I am guessing you got that from me. I like her and quite frankly listen to news from TV sources less and less. Now, I can't share a lot of what I listen to because they would give away my political leanings. While I like my non partisan news I must admit I love to listen to particular podcasts that would show my leanings. I also do listen to a few things on YouTube. My favorite homemaking show is Old World Home. I try to follow along with the stitches on Floss Tube, but the truth is I can't stop that long and many just go on and on. I like a much more condensed version, not because of attention span, but time is limited for such as that. Stitching by the Lake is my favorite Flosstube though and she could talk about the weather and I would listen to her. Funny the things that will catch each individual's attention. We are all different for certain. I do like to listen to a book every now and then on the Libby app that I check out from our library. I love the Libby app since I get all the feels of Kindle on Amazon but it is free.

    1. Yes, Sandy! You are the one who mentioned SmartHerNews. What a find! I checked out Stitching by the Lake, and she is a delight. I love her comfy southern accent.

  11. I usually listen to music. Vivaldi or bluegrass, ukulele music, or the Beatles, or an audio book for the kids, we just finished The Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe...i love it all. I know what you mean when you write about a breath of fresh air and the logic vs. fear mongering most media puts out.
    What a gorgeous blanket!

    1. Thank you, Martha. I love seeing your eclectic music interests. I'm a 70's ballad girl for the most part, but I enjoy different genres if the lyrics are thought provoking, and/or the music touches or grabs me.
