Wednesday, October 28, 2020

30 days to less - day 28

Today, I revisited a coat closet by our front door and made a nice dent in removing stuff we don't need to keep.

Two coats - one heavy winter coat and a trench coat that I think youngest son bought at the thrift store as a costume piece.  I've kept it because it's a nice coat, but trying it on today I have to admit it's not likely to fit me any time soon and if it ever does, I'm not sure it's a style I'd wear anyway.  If son doesn't want it, it will be a nice donation back to the thrift store.

Add to that a pair of boots that don't fit anyone who lives in this house anymore, 6 pairs of gloves, 5 single loose gloves, 5 hats, 6 scarves, and raiding my sock drawer I found 4 unused pairs of no-show socks that I, personally, find uncomfortable to wear.  

And what do we have?  

Day 28:  437 things gone


  1. Lol, I just opened my socks drawer today and found about 12 pair of sports no show socks I wore with my sneakers. The sneakers were donated last week so no need for those socks now lol. You will be seeing those in the next couple of days.

  2. That's a great haul from one closet! I should go through ours again and see if there's anything we can donate. I did have a try-on of my winter coats and whittled them down from four to one. Not necessarily because I wanted to get rid of any of them but they are now far too big. The one I kept is too big too but I won't be going anywhere much by the way it sounds so it will do for grocery store runs.

    1. It's a large closet (and actually there are two of them for some reason). The funny thing is, for years hubs has tried to get me to let go of some things and the feeling has been (for both of us) that I was the one hanging on to more than I needed to. But when going through the coat closets this time, I realized that most of the stuff in them belongs to HIM.

  3. It is fun to see what you are going for next. ☺️

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah... the things that are nice will be welcomed by someone, I think. A few things got pitched.

  5. Ahhh, the coat closet! Yes, that does tend to collect things . . .

  6. Amazing that we can keep on finding items to shed. We must all have a lot of stuff.

  7. Wow...437 things gone! That's great!!

    1. It's great or terrible - depending on one's perspective. I know it will likely never happen, but I'd love to be so shed of things that I couldn't comprehend being able to do a 30-Day minimalism challenge.

  8. Man, you sure have stuff to get rid of, LOL.

    1. lol. Yes I do. The really interesting thing is to watch videos of true minimalist do this challenge. It's amazing what they find.
