Saturday, November 23, 2019

Less is more - day 23

Organizing the spice drawer I found 23 bottles or tins of expired (and I mean some seriously expired) spices and spice blends.  The truly sad thing is some of these had duplicates.  These bottles have been hanging around, possibly being used while I could have been using fresher spices!  sigh

I know it's pretty impossible to not find oneself with old spices at any given time.  Some get used regularly, and some are purchased for a recipe - never to be used again. I don't even think buying spices from bulk containers can relieve that scenario (nevermind that I don't know of a place where I can buy spices from bulk - i.e. buy only what I might reasonably use in say... a year's time.  At least, I'm not aware of a place anywhere near me.

While I'm not a stickler for expiration dates, I think I should probably try harder to dispose of them within, say... the decade they expire.    😏


  1. No, I didn't laugh (much). Using sonmething within a decade of expiry date should be something we all aspire to!

    1. I'm so glad you laughed. I noticed that there was a 00 as the year marked on at least one of the bottles. I wonder why I label and date my spices if I'm not going to pay any attention to it?!?

    2. Wellllll - I suppose there's a bit of gratefulness that the 00 refers to 2000 and not 1900 - ahem.....

  2. This very thing happened when I cleaned out my spices not so long ago:)

  3. We can get bulk spices at Winco. I don't know if you have one near you or not. Sprouts is the other place for spices by the ounce. Oh I need to look at my spices dates lol.

    1. Never heard of Winco or Sprouts. There are probably some places within driving distance that I don't tend to shop at - mostly because they're more expensive. But it's been years since I've known of any stores that sell items in bulk containers that aren't more expensive than buying the same thing packaged. It used to be the opposite!

  4. When I decluttered my spices last year, I found some very embarrassing Best Before Dates. Quite often I have re-filled the glass jars so I made that excuse they were fine, but then there were some when I opened them they had absolutely no smell whatsoever and were clearly just 15 years old and never refilled ooops!

    1. All these comment makes me feel so much better. :)
